
More teens get breast implants than trans top surgery by a significant margin, but I’m sure Dax and the rest of his ilk aren’t concerned about that fact.

Exactly this.

And how many times do they have to be told that nobody transitions in order to win at sports?

Dax could quite simply duck out of a conversation he’s out of his depth in and all these assholes who magically developed major concerns about women’s sports overnight could maybe make an attempt at being less transparent about the fact that they’ve found a clever way to disguise their sense of ick about trans folks. 

Can we cancel Dex Shepard already. I find him exhausting. 

“licensed counselor” and “certified mental fitness trainer”

Toeing the party line behind the curtain while saying the exact opposite and hoping no one checks? Repeatedly and in every aspect of his professional life?

I live in TN and I’m really worried I won’t be able to up my implant because of moves like this brewing under the surface. Some of the OBGYN offices I’ve contacted have been hesitant to replace my implant because they don’t know what’s going to happen. The fear and intimidation of medical staff is another part of the

Im going to say it again.  I was born in 1965, the year that contraception was finally legalized.  I am the youngest of four children born to parents who never wanted children.  It sucked.  No child should have to grow up like that, but millions did.  If you're wondering why so many old people are screwed up.  We

In fairness, misrepresenting what happens outside of the public’s view is allegedly Cameron’s jam.

Boebert was escorted out of the theater. Which is not the first time Boebert has escorted.

They haven’t tasted the same since their post-bankruptcy resurrection. Can Smuckers fix that, too?

Little fat boy Mehphisto fondly remembers the sugar coated lemon fruit pies. 

It would be great if they revived some old products that Hostess discontinued a while ago like fruit pie flavors other than cherry and apple, chocolate pudding pies and Choco Bliss.

The media keep yawping about how there has “never been an insurrection”, but there HAS, and I submit that the precedent for what to do with these people lies RIGHT THERE. It occurred in 1859, and the man behind it reached the end of his rope (literally) on December 2nd of that year. What was good enough for John Brown

He didn’t just get up one morning and decide to be a racist fool. His homies didn’t just figure out that he is a bigoted snake. Of course, he’s ‘at home’, comfy and all high five-y with his posse. Comfortable talking shit about Black people. He played himself, got outed and now the clown has to be shamed in the public

I can understand the attempt, but can’t disagree with what you said and thought Pittman should’ve just pulled a move from Blazing Saddles when faced with a disgruntled crowd...especially with that clown.

Women in Green is wondering if he can smell what he is shoveling.

The balls on this fucker...

requiring Ju’Coby Pittman, a Jacksonville city councilwoman representing the neighborhood where the shooting happened, to intervene to and ask the crowd to listen. Pittman declared that “it ain’t about parties today,”