

Why does Salty Steele think it’s a flex to claim an octogenarian bodied her into a trash can?

Sage Steele is being paid by ESPN to STFU and sit out her contract, and she dumps on black men every chance.

A rapper who supports Trump might as well stamp, “I’m an ignorant idiot” in big letters on his or her forehead.

If these assholes were being honest, they’d stop acting shocked that their highly unpopular theocratic position on abortion gets taken to the woodshed every time voters have a fair shot to decide. I’d like to see them move past that and flat out say that they need to consolidate white power and aggressively suppress

exactly! As of today, I am never going to Antarctica.

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

I know a face hugger when I see one!

And they are a shrinking vocal minority. Look, they generally come from 2 demographics.

republicans know that the “policies” they have are garbage and that a majority of Americans hate them. That’s why republicans do everything they can to make voting difficult if not impossible.

Started with the far flung perfection that is Alabama?!

This shitstain must NEVER EVER get anywhere near the White House. 

To be fair, Florida is a burning building, these dumb fucks just don’t realize they're the ones who lit and are pouring gas on the fire

Republicans hate voting rights because so many of their positions are deeply unpopular & inhumane, and can only be enforced by gerrymandering, voter suppression and other dirty tricks. 

“legally business are people” ... that is step 1 in putting an end to this ridiculous charade. Citizen’s United ranks right up there with Dred Scott among the all-time worst decisions ever handed down from the Supremes.


religious employers

“could force religious employers to provide accommodations that arise from an abortion, which could violate the free exercise of their religious beliefs.””

What a bunch of absolute staggering horseshit, even by their usual standards.  

Tax the GODDAMNED churches already.

Also I think a lot of pedophiles like to romanticize themselves as “not like *those* guys” and actually being in love/caring about the child. So it’s a horror story for good pedophiles about what bad pedophiles are trying to do. Like in Lolita where Humbert Humbert’s main ‘antagonist’ was another pedophile