
“We all stood around to watch the tape and laughed hysterically and then went home to beat our wives and jerk off to stepsister porn.”

oh cool! can’t wait for gamers nexus steve to tear this thing apart.

Such is the ballad of Mike Pence and Donald Trump, the ex-dynamic duo who are now running against each other in the 2024 Republican primary.

Excellent reminder. Dan Quayle didn’t even change; the Republican party just got so profoundly stupid that Quayle seems like an elder statesman genius in comparison.

Mike Pence is boring white toast. Mike Pence is dangerous to women, minorities, the LBGTQ2S+ community, and immigrants. Mike Pence is a religious zealot. Mike Pence is all those things.

“She is an immigrant black woman appointed by Obama, therefore she will be totally biased against Trump. She needs to recuse herself.

Does anyone else remember Dick, the late 90’s comedy that parodied the last days of Nixon’s presidency? I can’t wait for the Trump version of it. They could call it Covfefe and include a scene of Pence (played by Steve Martin) running from room to room in the Capital evading the rioters. Maybe they get switched around

Rats in a sack. The quicker they kill each other off, the safer humanity will be.

Pence outside the courthouse: “I can not be forced to give evidence due to executive privilege.”

Once again, the stupidity of this thing never ceases to amaze me. Somehow... the person who managed to talk Pence into the obvious fact he doesn’t have the power to overturn an election was Dan Quayle. DAN- I famously misspelled potato - QUAYLE!

Public school -> prison pipeline, complete.

led by the Houston Independent School District’s (HISD) new superintendent Mike Miles

I did 2 mintues of googling and found that Mike Miles was appointed by a state agency (Texas Education Agency, a misnomer if I ever heard one) and not by residents in the area he’s supposedly serving. Seems about normal for a GQP state. 

You are right. But I do think there is room to also look at Ariana critically because she HAS cheated in numerous relationships and has been a homewrecker in numerous relationships.

I do think there is something culturally to be said for a girl who still looks like she did when she was a Disney child star having been

I doubt this is the winner, if for no other reason that even causal lottery player know that if you do win, you hire a law firm first, a wealth management firm second and you fight tooth and nail to avoid your name getting out in the public and while you do, you hire a private security firm, change every password you

rachel maddow did a great segment on this last night. essentially, these people want to arrest you for traveling to do something that is legal in one state b/c it is illegal in the state where they live.  what happened to the party of limited government?

Just imagine what the Gallup polling on allowing Black players into the major leagues before Jackie Robinson would have been. The vast majority of people who are arguing most fervently against trans women’s inclusion are the same ones who let us know at every opportunity how little they care about women’s sports other

Every safety regulation is written in blood, they were the sacrifice. They proved that any idiot with a lot of money shouldn’t just be allowed to do whatever the f(*^% they want.

Oh look, it’s going down exactly as we said it would. It’s never been about cakes and websites, just like it’s never been about protecting kids.