
I am truly tired of everyone saying the feds are inconsistent about civil rights.

Nintendo CEO-”We need some cash. How quickly can we get another Mario Kart game out?”

Meanwhile, Nintendo is sitting happily in the corner eating paste and finger painting as the rest of the gaming landscape shifts irrevocably.

You could say, “If you give up your ridiculous made up holiday, I’ll give up my ridiculous made up sport. We could go do something more interesting together.”

Was Cynthia Nixon this much of an asshole when she left her husband for Rojo Caliente?

It shouldn’t be a thing but I think this is being disingenuous.  It’s a thing because of toxic masculinity.  Dissecting such things use to be a mainstay of this website, maybe you could peruse the archives.

Never -ever- forget this jive dancing coon is a massive attention whore trying to grift as much as she can before a younger, newer and louder coon snatches her split ended hairdo and boots her off stage.

*Checks local Canadian news for anything remotely similar*

Let freedom (and tinnitus) ring.

* looks out window at snow. crosses fingers and hopes to get deported to somewhere warmer *

Wow..with all the serious stuff happening to black folks nationally & internationally, theRoot is covering Candace Owens. Just wow..

“This is why people don’t take these people seriously,” Owens cried out on Fox News.

I was thinking my grandma could control a gun better than this guy.

He’ll be elected to our Florida Senate next cycle I’m sure.

This is the society you get when you treat firearm ownership as an inalienable right, rather than a privilege with responsibilities.

You only had one two jobs. Webb managed 100+ critical deployments.

I’m starting to think this Chris Brown fella might not be the nicest person...

And Newsradio.

What you have to do is pair up the variable and have then fight it out with the winners moving up to anotehr round of fights. That is fundamentally the Scientific Method.

One Step of Faith Ministries”