
Depending on the victim and depending on the perpetrator. If the rapist had been a Black kid I doubt the judge would be so worried about having to impose the mandatory minimum. 

I don’t know if “simp” is the right word, but no one should be giving Trump airtime. You can’t ask the “tough questions” when you’re dealing with someone who is incapable of telling the truth.

He’s been lying since Vietnam War; why would he stop, now?

You would think that someone would have told Trump that his ‘all the people’ and ‘many people’ and ‘tons of people’ he frequently mentions backing up his bullshit is known to literally everyone as a bat-signal beacon that spells out ‘No one is saying this and I’m am lying’ by now.

Vigilante justice may be the only form of justice left. 

That’s not true. Early G4 was (by 2000s standards) pretty tame and generally good (if low budget) quality that was way ahead of it’s time. It was not flawless, but absolutely nothing from the era is. It (and by extension it’s audience) did not become a cesspool until the later years when they kept desperately trying

Irony apparently *is* dead.

Leave Brett Kavanaugh out of this

Right?  People telling on themselves with their whole chests on there.

So apparently it got even weirder as after the media storm hit, the judge threw the lead trial attorney for the county’s State’s attorney out his courtroom because his wife has seen that the attorney had liked some of the tweets critical of the judge. Because of that he didn’t feel like he could be fair towards the

If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias. 

5 gets ya 10 that Your Honor here has a similar story in his past.

He is a rapist. He is now free to offend again. This is not just about punishment, this is about how women are not safe in our society. Women are constantly told how to behave to be safer, but men are not stopped from victimizing women.

Look, sometimes you gotta make a batch of night-night chicken tenders to shut the kids up.

Oh thanks just what i needed to start my be terrified by a rotting giant turtle flesh suit. 

Normally I would side with Kirkman in a situation like this — whenever someone releases a financially successful piece of media, there are gonna be bogus lawsuits from people wanting a piece of the pie... but this isn’t the first time Kirkman’s been sued by an artist, who’s claiming that Kirkman cheated them out of

I wonder how these guys maintain that particular fiction when it’s only corrupt and dictatorial governments that go hard on Crypto, while actively screwing their citizens.

Ooof that bit about Kazakhstan.

Tell us again how crypto will save people in developing countries or oppressive regimes because something something decentralized something banking access something portable currency.

Can we stop using the term “investing” in these articles, please?  It’s gambling - which is fine, but lets not pretend it’s anything else.

Impressed with this find, the video’s only got like 3K views as per this publication. Nice to see a G/O site reporting on internet stuff that isn’t already viral!