
This is gonna be one of THOSE kind of years where a lot of (notable) people are going to die. Isn’t it?

2009 was kind of cool just because of all the racist shitbirds butthurt about Obama

You know my theory on The Flash?

Bravo. “Don’t pull Superman’s Cape....” Jim Groce

I still can’t get over the fact that there are healthcare workers, who see what Covid does to unvaccinated people every day, refuse to get vaccinated!

We’re not openly hostile, but we do get tired of the Christian bullshit after a while.

I’m glad to see more and more articles related to atheists or the non-religious on this site.

Fuck these people.  They’re fascists, white supremacists, nazis.  What they think is fucking irrelevant.  Why are you reporting on it?  Don’t give them a platform.

you do know you’ll still be a loser in the GQP fascist government you want so badly?

while Urban Meyer was the coach of the Ohio State football team a staffer used a photo of Trayvon Martin to amplify a team rule that said players couldn’t wear hoodies in the football building.

Seriously, only ONE party denied the results of an election based on nothing, held a angry rally, incited an insurrection, and refused to do anything to investigate it. So...

Why emphasize “REAL” when referencing the deaths? Were the others faked?  I don’t understand your fucked up point with that (among other things), it makes no sense.  Also, go fuck yourself.  

I’ve been finding a lot of Poe’s Law today.

These people care nothing about democracy, and are essentially Fascists - and I say that not in the sense of throwing scare words around, but in their academic meanings as a student of politics.

How does smashing the windows of the capitol building and assaulting police with blunt objects and chemical agents not qualify as rioting? And how is breaking into Nancy Pelosi’s office and stealing her laptop not looting? Is it because the perpetrators were almost entirely white?

You sir, are a traitor. That unarmed woman that was shot was a traitor. All of them were and need to be held accountable and punished accordingly.

What the Hell is wrong with these people? Do they think this is “politics as usual,” to break into the Capitol Building and threaten to lynch the people who are recording the outcome of an election? Do they think it’s “politics as usual” to, when you lose a presidential election by 72 electoral votes and a popular

Glad to hear that some people gave a Schmidt.

“We have a n***er, it’s a n***er, like a roach,” while laughing.

Now playing

The incident shook me to my core and my mental state was so fragile. I was a wreck and am still unable to sleep. I was given a sedative at the time of the video. I have zero recollection of the video and the disturbing language used during it.”