
Shouln't be anyone. It has titles worth owning and scalping is a plague to be eradicated. 

Agreed. These are the ones who throw the word treason around so casually. Let them learn the hard way, what it really means.

We’ve come full circle in the last century.  Cognitive dissonance was a survival trait for anyone under Stalin.  Now it’s an admired value for GOP death-grift Faux News brainwashees.

Cognitive dissonance is a core GQP value.

When Wheel of Fortune denied a contestant a new Audi for reasons I question, Audi stepped in, said she was a winner in their book, and gave her the car Wheel of Fortune didn’t.

Ask any farmer about repairing modern farm machinery.

The January 6th insurrectionists are seditious traitors. They waged war against the United States of America with the intent of toppling our duly elected government.

I honestly don’t wish this on anyone, but if i had killed someone accidentally with my car, they would fedex me to prison.

Well! Merry Christmas to us!

Those moments where you lift the box with force expecting it to be heavy and it isn’t. I’m feeling a version of that.

I am shocked, genuinely and not sarcastically, I thought they were warming up for either a mistrial verdict or letting her off. An actual guilty verdict is amazing. It is a Christmas Miracle.

Big surprise. A Chelsea fan siding with the racist.

Yeah it’s pretty obvious Clapton has just always been a reactionary that gets pissy when the times change- an influx of immigrants to UK? Well, now my image of classic (read: white) UK is under threat. Deadly disease requires society to work together and isolate then vaccinate? I think my personal choices are more

In vino vertas. Clapton’s a racist piece of shit, he’s just really bad at hiding it when he’s drunk. He’s not racist because he drinks. He’s racist and he drinks.

Not all cats are psychopaths. Some are just fat slobs like this one of ours.

who wrote this -- a dog? it’s anti-cat propaganda, it is.

Make the decision you are obviously going to make, numbskulls.

She needs to go to prison for killing an innocent unarmed person.

What do you mean these JNCOs are out of style? Reminds me, I better go get my Model T from the shop, my horse is getting tired.

It’s fine to go there: most people are irredeemable idiots. And Trump is an idiot’s idea of a successful businessman, so they believe he knows what he’s talking about. Toss in the permission he gives his idiot followers to be virulently bigoted to anyone and everyone they don’t like and you have the perfect storm of