
“When the system has failed us.”

Fight an actual skilled boxer so we can see how shitty this clown is.

This is exactly why every time Twitch prattles on about all the great things they do to make the platform better for less-represented groups of people, the follow-up question should always be:

The guy’s T-shirt explains his motivation to provoke.   He is creating “content” for his fellow virtue signalers.  They don’t wear MAGA hats anymore, they think the “lets go” shirts are funny and subtle and “pwn the libs”

Got any scientific evidence to prove this, or just your opinion? If the former, I would love to see it. If the later, you should shut the fuck up. I’m tired of ‘follow the science’ when its convenient, and ignorant, fear mongering conjecture when it’s not.  

You would feel comfortable with a surgeon operating on you with panties on his face?  Get outta here bro....LOL 

It’s called layers you oaf, you absolute doofus 

Actually, it does define what masks count. A thong most certainly does not. Besides, nobody is getting kicked off over a misunderstanding. Flight attendants have a supply of masks and hand them out to people who are not in compliance. You only get kicked off for being a complete jerk about it. 

Except its absolutely NOT as effective as a real fucking cloth mask. You goddamn imbecile.

I can’t believe we’re two years in and STILL have to explain the difference between spreading disease and catching disease.

Austin Man tries to one-up Florida Man and succeeds. (and I hate to say this, as an Austin native)

I’m ready to convict the third guy in that line up just on their photo alone. They look like a proper psychopath.

According to CNN, Odinet said she had no “recollection of the video and the disturbing language used during it” because she had conveniently been “given a sedative” at the time of the video to sleep.

Didn’t the late, great Paul Mooney have an entire bit on this like 20 years ago? He’d list all the supposed “anti-white” “slurs” like “cracker”, “honky”, “white trash”, etc., and note that white people had never cared at all about being called any of them, and concluded that the appropriate derogatory term for whites

A friend of mine got called cracker once by a rude drunk, and he literally laughed at it, he thought it was hysterical.

No white person has ever been offended by being called a cracker. It is not a slur in the way that other terms targeting one’s race are. This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

I genuinly dont think white people are upset by this. I think its a bunch of right wing haters of hasan, reporting it as a racism as a fuck you to him.

As a FDA certified saltine myself, god white people are so fucking fragile.

Presidents always get blamed for the price of gas even though there’s little in the short term they can do to push it up or down.