
They also love to mock liberals as snowflakes but will throw a huge tantrum every time they face the slightest adversity.

I don’t know about the rest of the country, but if bagel shops and deli in NYC cut back to half of the cream cheese they put on bagels each place would have enough of a supply to last at least 5 years.

Conservatives love nothing more than playing victim. Of course they shame anyone else who they deem to be “playing victim,” but when it comes to them, you won’t hear the end of how they are persecuted and cancelled and all that other bullshit that isn’t true.

Defense called for a mistrial on the grounds that all the testimony was making their client look guilty.

Really not a fan of these gameplay trailers that are 99% quick cuts shot from angles the player is never going to see when they’re actually playing the game.

Horizon: come for the dinosaurs, stay for the well-developed and thoughtful political and social commentary.

It generally comes down to their lives suck, but they need to blame someone else for it. So the GQP comes along and says “It’s the gays, it’s the blacks, it’s the immigrants!!” and the typical right wing “person” votes for them.

I’m an old. And throughout the years I’ve been friends with; worked for; dated; shopped at businesses, whatever. Because it never used to matter.

black woman here, consider the people lauren boebert caters to. or the other one campaigning with the pedophile, they do things expressly to “own the libs.” its a game to them, meanwhile rep. omar is getting death threats and having to pay for bodyguards.........

Yeah, and Jews weren’t all that big on dating Nazis y’know.

Sometimes, I wonder if I chose the wrong side. I mean, left-wing politics in general. That is until I see mounds of evidence of the harm that those with far-right wing politics have caused this country. I see the harm they’ve done to women. I see the harm they’ve done to POC. I see the harm they’ve done to LGBTQA+.


This old Democrat/female feels the same. I am way past reproduction age and never could have conceived even if I had wanted that option…but am sickened by the stance of the right as a whole and count anyone who claims that party as their own to be racist, sexist, and just plain awful…I have been “unfriending” since

Makes me wish I had less morals. I could grift the Red Hat crowd out of millions..

Mitch McConnell still living and breathing is the only valid arguement against vaccines.

Sounds about white.  

God forbid

Exactly. The focus of ire should be toward the systemic racism in our legal system. The judge, prosecutors, police, and politicians of Kenosha should be investigated.

This case was never going to be a slam dunk because the trial was being held in Kenosha. And there was no way the prosecutors were going to find any jurors that weren’t already sympathetic to Rittenhouse.

God forbid that a rapist should experience negative consequences for his actions.

So when cops and DA’s complain that women won’t report rapes or testify, maybe they can direct their anger to bullshit like this.