
No one ever got pregnant from information.

Not just that people don’t want to be abstinent, but the vast majority of people in the US are not abstinent. Why teach sex Ed based on outdated values that don’t apply to most of the population? Why not just have sex Ed that addresses real issues of people in the real world?

As a person who used to live in that world, yes, there’s a segment that literally believes sex ed is nothing but a satan-worshipping sex orgy.

What kind of parents want LESS help? I want web seminars, classes, libraries and my parenting team to chime in so my kids get whatever info they need.

“Not everybody wants to be abstinent,” she said

Which is a real shame because quite frankly they should be teaching them how to do all those things. How do you masturbate should be sex 101. It would solve so many basic issues for women especially.

From the petition website, “Parents are demanding to know why their children are being taught how to have anal and oral sex, masturbate one another, and question their gender.”

If these parents had gotten decent sex ed themselves they’d have learned that pulling out rarely works.

god damn it

Counterpoint: Go watch Vet Ranch. There is good that happens on Youtube. The problem is Youtube personalities/stars.

At any rate, it looks like Thanos can use the Infinity Gauntlet for a lot more than killing off half the universe.

I can’t understand why she’s standing by him after Cosby has admitted in a deposition that he procured Quaaludes for the sole purpose of giving them to other women. Why can’t Camille make the leap to what that means?

YouTube is the worst of humanity and no quantity of kitten videos will convince me otherwise.

The article says the scrotum is for show.

1) I wonder if he’ll actually get sensation out of it.

You just know that 500 white screenwriters in Santa Monica are feverishly working on treatments for a comedy about a fratty, kinda-racist white guy who gets a black man’s transplanted dick

I think that’s essentially the conclusion. Not anti-gravity drives specifically, but clearly a more advanced alternative to our crude chemical propelled rockets.

What if they are super intelligent and create a anti-gravity drive?