
She’s, at heart, an uneducated piece of trash; which really makes her perfect for Reality TV and The RHW franchise in general.

my mom and I watched this live last night and were SCREAMING. The other Atlanta women (and production with their perfectly timed cuts to footage of Kim lying) completely destroyed Kim’s credibility. Then, to finish it off, the episode ends with Kim saying extremely racist things while simultaneously saying that

You know why you have not found another white woman to sit on that motherfucker? Because nobody is dumb enough to do that!”

Even her football husband had his mouth gaping when she went on her racism rant. The more she talks, the more bigotry she shows people. I’d put good money down on her dropping the worst of the worst slurs on the regular.

From the greys:

I was going to say “because black people,” but wow. Ninja’d by videogamepierat.

How many years before she can run for president?

She’s Canadian, and was born in Ontario. In a couple of months, Ontario votes for the premier (like a governor). The “leader” of the Conservative Party is Rob Ford’s crack-dealing brother, who prides himself in saying Trump has the right ideas.

Why do people continue to equate a lack of socially acceptable behavior with “truth”? Just because someone acts like an ass doesn’t mean they are truthful.

This is what happens when you give the kindergarten school bully a load of fully automatic assault rifles. :(

Only part of the world works like this. 3rd worlds nations mostly. And ones pretending to not be 3rd world nations.

How is it that an innocent bystander can disarm an armed active-shooter while police have to dump entire clips worth of bullets into unarmed men, women and kids because of fear? That they arm up and escort a bunch of Nazi asshats around like the fucking military, and arrest counter-protesters who just want the fucking

It would take a time machine. America is fucked for generations.

Illegal gun used in the commission of a mass shooting I believe they can be charged at a minimum with accessory to murder. Something similar happened during the West Webster Fire Dept. shooting they tried it on the girl that bought guns for an ex-felon - she ended up getting around 8 years from false statements.

An unarmed man who rightfully feared for his life managed to wrestle a gun away from an actual deadly threat. Yet all these shook-ass cops blast away black people because...

And the school shooting in Ocala, Fl, was stopped the other day by a middle-aged teacher who — get this — talked the shooter down.

Wonder what the NRA is going to say about this one? Even if James Shaw had been armed, his skin is way too dark to fit the NRA’s “Good (white) guy with a gun” narrative. A black guy stealing the gun out of the hands of a conservative white guy is the nightmare scenario that the NRA uses to sell guns.

I really wish I knew what it would take to even begin to solve the issue of guns in this country. I also hope that the father is charged with the equivalent of illegal distribution of a firearm. His son was barred from having guns and the father gave them back to him. There needs to be some sort of punishment for that.