
That 1911 .45 ACP is magazine fed, there is no clip. Just the sort of thing you’d expect from a guy who thinks that guns are funny props for pictures. At least he seems to know enough to keep his goddamn finger off the trigger.

Agreed. I have 3 daughters and while I don’t want details, my job is not threaten their boyfriends but to teach the girls to be confident, do things on their own terms and, if they are going to have sex, use protection.

Whether they have or haven’t, after a year they’ve made that decision and daddy’s stupid photo just makes him look like an oblivious twit who is protecting his “property”

Apologies, may your forehead grow like the mighty oak.

In all seriousness, I do wonder if that’s the same gun Craig James used to kill five hookers at SMU.

Threatening to murder teenagers is the height of right wing comedy

That’s the smile of a kid who knows he rubbed his penis all over that gun.

Ironically, later that night Jays daughter was stabbed repeatedly by her boyfriend at his fathers chalet in the woods.

it really doesn’t matter - even if he fired the gun he’d miss wide right

Cumberbatch would have been a fucking awesome Garth of Izar. And it would have played into the Killerprise/Admiral Marcus plot perfectly. Not to mention, we don’t know a whole lot about him making the slate that much broader to create a convincing villain.

Oh noes, poor, poor Julian. Mother Russia won’t help this time.

Now playing

I remember Mythbusters beating a fingerprint scanner with a photocopier and spit.

A dude who would launder espionage for Vladimir Putin to steal the American presidency to try and get away with rape operates from a place of total bald self-interest? The HELL you say.

Many of us stopped having a favorable view of him after he stopped being unbiased and started playing politics.

I just watched this. I can’t even believe how heartless this judge is! I would have been confused too the number of times she switched between talk and shut up. Wow, just wow. I hope she ends up paying large sums of money to this family for the rest of her life.

Or, conversely, if you act like a criminal, expect your interactions with the criminal justice system to be unpleasant and counter to your wishes and desires.

And some folks wonder why people distrust the police so much. When you act like the fucking gestapo people tend to get a little testy.

apparently all baseball games need to end now when the 1st team scores

Imagine how much better this movie would have been if they’d just dropped the fucking secret and played it straight. Kirk wouldn’t know who he was anyway, but we did. You could play that off so much more effectively in building him as a villain. With all the unnecessary bullshit obfuscation gone (and dump the equally