
Between this and not wanting to deal with the Kawhi bullshit, does Pop retire this offseason?

Oh who’s surprised? The man did make a pact with Satan back in his 20's so he could gain access to the Malum Indumentis sewing machine.

Karl is a walking corpse. He loves to be an asshole. I don’t think anyone has ever really, truly liked him or liked being around him. His entourage is full of paid minions. Also, his clothes are boring and Chanel really needs someone younger to come in and reinvent the brand.

he is the worst thing

My mom always tells me that evil never dies so, I see where you are going with this.

Karl is a misogynistic hack. It angers me that men who openly hate women are so successful in fashion.

Klassic Karl.

Syracuse University Fraternity Suspended Over ‘Extremely Racist, Anti-Semitic, Homophobic’ Video. 

She said she’s not getting paid. Which- obviously yes people can lie, but is there way to verify that? Because if that can’t be verified one way or the other, why wouldn’t the prosecutor just be like LOLOL YOURE FULL OF SHIT otherwise?

I don’t know. Because, I’ve thought- what if she is telling the truth? What if Andrea Constand is lying? But it’s impossible. At this point, that is literally impossible. So the ONLY possibility is that Marguerite Jackson is lying. Because either Andrea is lying, or Marguerite is. And so logically, if Andrea is not

I am also confused - what is Jackson angling for?

God, this makes my blood boil. What is she getting out of this, other than coverage and fame.

Now playing

Interesting Q&A with Jerry Brown where he is grilled on the immigration question over most anything else:

I live a few minutes from Muir Woods. Come visit!

“Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan and myself this morning building an even deeper and better relationship while playing a quick round of golf at Trump International Golf Club”

by the way, there was NO COLLUSION (except by the Dems)!

They are all afraid of going into primary season and becoming the target of Trump’s Twitter wrath. Once primary season is over, some might develop what resembles a spine. The GOP did this to themselves. They courted the crazies and ran off the moderates. Now primary season is a “Who is the Shittiest Person” contest.

Those snakes wouldn’t break ranks if one of their number was revealed to be Cthulhu. Party over country, party over everything.

Still - even with everything that’s come out about him, and everything that I’m sure is yet to come out but will soon - STILL, not one goddamn Republican brave enough to just sign this.