
You just don’t understand. Did you hear about her EMAILS? /barf

Hillary is so bad you guys, can’t vote for her.

I’m not sure Rick Perry ever figured out much about governing a large state. But if by “do a job like this” you mean “engage in graft and corruption,” then yeah, I can get behind this theory.

The difference is almost certainly because he was governor of a large state for 13 years, so he’s figured out by now how to do a job like this without stumbling over the kind of idiocy that has gotten Pruitt in trouble. Pruitt clearly has no clue what he’s doing.

I’m going to bet on next Friday at 7:12 AM, when Trump sends an irate tweet from the bathroom. Pruit isn’t even going to be next to go, because next week a mid-level staffer is going to be resign after it’s leaked that he failed to disclose a conviction for embezzling from a children’s charity.

I kinda like it. It’s Wesley in Demolition Man over here!

Pity that something like this could happen at the university named for what could arguably be one of our least-shitty Supreme Court Justices ever.

“I would have ran into that school”

The look of terror on his face is the only moment of honesty he’s ever had in his whole stinking life.

It whispered in his ear: Dear God do I fucking loathe Lee Greenwood...

Either he is now an honorary American, or he has been anointed president. I don’t remember the protocol here.

The fact that “Aggressively using pitching changes and defensive alignments IS modern baseball” does not therefore mean that ALL aggressive pitching changes and defensive alignments are automatically correct or even remotely good ideas.

You have a game in three hours, Gabe. Put the coconut oil down and go get ready.

When Kapler played for the Red Sox, he and his wife started a foundation to combat domestic abuse, as she had been a victim of it in a previous relationship. Though I see they divorced a few years ago, and the foundation is now maybe?

Trust The Optimization

That’s like how the cops said Alton Sterling was reaching for his gun after one of the cops straight-up told him that he was going to murder him in cold blood. Like, no shit, I would have tried to get at my weapon too if some lunatic police officer said he was going to shoot me while I was being held down on the

I’m so sick of these cowards. They’re terrified of their own damn shadows.

A witness, named Jaccbot Hinds, told the New York Daily News that the cops emerged from an unmarked vehicle and fired off their guns without warning. “They just hopped out of the car,” said Hinds. “It’s almost like they did a hit. They didn’t say please. They didn’t say put your hands up, nothing.”

Third try: A Black man holding anything gives them permission to shoot and simply *say* they thought it was a gun. Do we really believe in 2018 when we know nearly every adolescent and adult is holding a phone cops really think everything in hand is a gun? They are flat out lying to avoid being charged. They take