
When you’re $500 billion down, you can’t lose?.... Oh my god. You can lose, you can lose so much more. He’s going to do it, he’s going to bankrupt the USA and sell it off to another country.

Weren’t trade wars a great thing and easy to win last week?

Still no mention of the stock market being at a disastrous low.

No need my man. We represent a number of tribal governments in ND/SD. Plus a few of our attorneys are from those reservations and know most of the persons named in the story!

If we decide to take on the case I’ll shoot you a DM on twitter to keep you appraised.

Do you feel better now? Proud? Because if so, you can essentially read your comment right back to yourself.

My dad grew up in Hot Springs. My grandparents live in Rapid City. I spent a large portion of my childhood up in the Black Hills.

unfortunately you’re right. I see it with a lesser extent towards Asian people. Just casual racism.

I’m already dreading my upcoming beach excursion with the missus. Look, lady, I know you like eating out on vacation, but every restaurant in this god forsaken town smells like dead fish and a grease trap that hasn’t been emptied in two decades.

My dad put an end to all family vacations 14 years ago. He’d make the threat that “this is the last vacation we ever take as a family” during every vacation we ever took and no one ever thought he’d ever follow through with it. Used to think he was an asshole for putting an end to it, but I get it now. We used to take

I lived in Winner for a time. I was *stunned*, STUNNED by the racism there. And I’m from rural Nebraska. It’s not like I didn’t grow up around it.

How disappointing. Unfortunately, this is nothing new in either of the Dakotas (or likely any state w/ a large number of reservations). I am an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota and an attorney engaged in Federal Indian law. My work takes me to both the Dakotas and the blatant racism in

If this country has proven anything throughout its history, it’s that its capacity to treat Native Americans with callousness and cruelty knows no bounds.

Native Americans are the forgotten minority when folks talk about racism and economic injustice.

Headline should be:

I’ve never lived in the south, but I would challenge any city in the country to be more openly racist than the Black Hills/Rapid City area is towards natives. It’s the same city that a few years ago at a minor league hockey game featured grown adults cursing at and dumping beer on native schoolchildren while “go back

In a sea of infuriating details, this one just kills me. We are talking about kids here, and dude’s gut reaction, his first instinct to reports of these kids having “something bad” happen to them is not empathy, but contempt. How do we know it wasn’t your fault - you probably did something to make an entire opposing

Hillbillies like Mitchell have operated pretty much with impunity because 1) most of the backwater US is racist as fuck 2) media attention on stuff like this is few and far between. This is one of the few times when you can say, god bless the internet for shining a light on racist twats like this

“Why are you always talking about race?” asked the racist.

‘Oh they got sticks now, look at them Indians tomahawk chop,’” he recalled. “These were coaches to 12, 13, 14 year old kids.

Sometimes I see a headline like this and think... there must be some kind of wrinkle in the fuller story to complicate this tidy narrative. Surely there must be more to this story than the headline indicates.

This is not one of those times.