
I have an alternative suggestion: may they be sued for literally everything they possess. From bank accounts to their underwear. May they be foisted out into the world nude, hungry and disgraced. May anyone who shows them sympathy or mercy share their fate, plus broken thumbs. May their tombstones be inscribed with

Most school board members are people I would not want to associate with but this is a new low.

As a dad, I’m shaking with rage at the thought of the school board president telling those children they owe the school resource officer an apology.

I don’t know if I’m incredibly sad or enraged. Maybe both.

That is some real bad press for Weber Shandwick. They should consider hiring a PR firm to get ahead of this.

Or like people saying that teenagers who barely survived a massacre that took the lives of 17 of their classmates should leave the law-making to the grownups.

The fact there was a witness too but as she is a woman too clearly she isn’t reliable? JfC what more can you want to get a conviction? Ugh. 

Oh some other lovely details of this case; the jury was nine men and three women. And for some soothing nighttime reading, read the WhatsApp exchanges. Just kidding, definitely do not because they were disgusting. Animals.

Thanks for covering this Prachi. The narrative around this case has been horrendous. As soon as the verdict was announced people were trying to dox the victim, called her a lying slag, cheering for the acquitted lads, all the classic hits. My “favourite” being “you lost ladies, have to accept the verdict” to a woman

A “fun” fact: at the trial, one of the lawyers asked why the young woman didn’t scream for help when there were, and I quote, “middle class women in the building”.

I imagine that’s exactly the strategy, piss off the judge and then accuse him of bias to get a retrial and on and on until their client dies of old age without going to jail or settling with victims.

This is literally like saying that law abiding citizens are too biased against criminals to be objective in a court room because of the fact that they are law abiding citizens.

I’m all for helping the letter-writer, but also about helping me, so let’s have a thread about suits that support giant boobs. And FYI I am not referring to “curvy” DDD’s, I mean bra sizes like 40 I. Breasts that require rigging.

The really messed up part of that is that it was Christine Quinn who called her that.

I see your point. Maybe it’s not cyberbullying, but it sure is vile and petty. Especially since he was NOT really whining about it. This lady’s just a fucking bitch.

HBO is not wrong in thinking this. I used to keep watching an ep if I happened upon one (had to do my best to shake Electric Boogaloo from my brain), just for nostalgia and old times sake and because some of them are still funny. But now - ugh. Go away SJP and your passive aggressive statements.

Oh please. Wendy is all bark and no bite. Nothing in her background conveys that you should be afraid of her, personally, in any way. Now, her bodyguard, that’s a different story.

My guess is that SJP knows that Cuomo is vindictive enough to make filming shit in NY a pain if Nixon loses. Cynthia Nixon wasn’t wrong when she described him as a bully.

Cynthia is selling these on her campaign site!

Also, all of her other terrible, terrible opinions, like being “offended” by the existence of HBCUs, blaming a rape accuser for getting on a tour bus, called Chris Brown “misunderstood,” and said transphobic things about Caitlin Jenner.