
You should’ve heard Keith Boykin handle that Women for Trump woman on CNN who always dresses in pink like Dolores Umbridge. After quoting her the stat that only 36% of “evangelicals” had a problem with “a POTUS who cheats on his wife with an adult film actress” now that the Orange Occupant is in the

Wasn’t Tom Arnold the one who said there was tape of Trump saying vile and blatantly racist things (assuming from The Apprentice) but it would never see the light of day because of all the lawsuits it would incur and because Burnett is a Trump supporter?

Rosie O’Donnell

You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.

SHUT UP—he is a good and moral Christian who, yes, cheated on his third wife (who’d recently given birth to their child) and had the other woman threatened and paid off. And who’s discussing reinstating a domestic abuser in his cabinet. But don’t try your cognitive dissonance with me! LALALALALALALA.

This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for

What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.

Saying you’re not homophobic or even genuinely not being homophobic doesn’t equal supporting gay rights. Plenty of people who “don’t have a problem with gay people” think same sex couples should be satisfied with civil unions and there’s nothing wrong with a bakery refusing to make them a cake.

Ok but like $40 an hour to monitor someone’s Facebook?? Still.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. — Upton Sinclair

Hmmm, it is almost like Michigan State is a Catholic college. They’d rather spend a fuckton of money obfuscating rather than admitting guilt & cleaning up their act.

shit, sorry

Do not trick me into clicking on a source again thinking it’s going to be a long overdue update on MC Hammer just to feel disappointment when I discover it’s actually about Armie Hammer. I do not give a fuck about Armie Hammer’s tracksuit.

First Off, this is my favorite interpretation of Batman, because it is mine. his choices. His actions. His consequences. They are my making.

What I also really love about them is that not only are the games willing to play around with the mythos, they are really smart about the large changes they do and how those changes reverbate in the story. The Thomas Wayne twist was genius, but it also never felt like something done for simply shock value. Instead it

I am just now looking into the cost on iOS. This does look more interesting than the Telltale The Walking Dead games.

Tbh your coverage of this is making me want to play. How graphics-intensive is this series of games?

Looks like a combo of cell shading and well planned depth blurs. Definitely the best version of cell shading with outlines/borders I’ve seen in a while.

He recommends enjoying the buying experience; I cannot agree with that more. If it’s a toy, then why not have fun getting it?

I’d love to see an article on how they create those graphics.