
Right? Consider: Chrissy Teigen initially thought she knew who it was and that suspect is “The WORST” and she loves Gwyneth, so no it wasn’t her. But then later Chrissy learns the truth and says she never would have guessed the real culprit, ergo her original point about loving Gwyn is no longer solid exculpatory

Of course Joanna Rothkopf’s boyfriend and son Timothee was polite enough to wait in line. She has been an excellent girlfriend and mother to him.

I assume Olivia de Havilland was the biter.

As Hippocrates said, “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, presuming my patients are a bunch of gross liars, but to their care, reluctantly, I dedicate myself wholly, maybe.”

Academia is a strange beast. You can have a department with 50+ faculty members, everybody can know that Dr. X is a dirtbag, and not a damn one will say anything. It’s actually pretty common group dynamics—everyone thinks everyone else will do something—but I think academia exacerbates this. Many professors are more

So has Ace at Blind Gossip.

From a news article I read they state there is no security footage, but they claim a police officer witnessed it. The fact that the police officer supposedly saw this crime and did not arrest him on the spot for it should tell you how credible the allegations are.

Blind Gossip practically revealed with their latest update.

Sadly.....this. I’ve been in the service industry for going on 26 years now, almost 24 years in retail, and about year and a half in a customer service call center. Doesn’t seem to matter the age, race, sex, or sexuality either.......actually...........I’ve seen cranky toddlers that are better behaved that way too

I had completely forgotten my childhood crush on Simone.

In all seriousness, can someone tell me why a 66 year old paraplegic was tasked with controlling access to the field at the Super Bowl?

Is that the same Dan Schnieder who was on Head of the Class (back row, second from left)? huh.

I work in a pharmacy. It is absolutely not a guy thing. We get a shit ton of women throwing fits for the stupidest reasons. I had a woman get hopping mad, as in she was literally jumping up and down, because we couldn’t find the prescription she had dropped off. Turns out she had actually dropped it off at the

I know Rusty Hardin is a famous and accomplished attorney, but his name still sounds like a supporting cast member of “The 13th Man in Your Mom, Vol. 6".

There has definitely been extremely...iffy...behavior. Example, a gathering where Dan and actresses from his shows were both present. And they took turns sitting in his lap. They were over 18 at the time, and did so voluntarily, but had been working with him since long before they were of age. And nobody said shit or

Yeah um... Counting down to the info dump on Schnieder. CDAN has had him in their sights for years.

If it is true that he fathered Britney Spears’s little sister’s baby (she got pregnant on her show on nickelodeon, show ended, etc.) I wonder if the paternity can somehow be evidence, even though the statue of limitations on statutory rape are up. I mean come on, the child’s paternity IS UNEQUIVOCALLY EVIDENCE.

Yeah, I’ve heard he’s just a tyrant with anger management issues. I haven’t heard anything solid about actual physical abuse. They would have so much liability, as a brand, if there were legitimate issues that I can’t imagine there being much truth to them.