
I’ve got $5 says Cohen goes down long before Trump does.

This Cohen fella sounds like a real charmer! Frickin’ fucking goon.

Also seen in NYC rent stabilized apartments. This is exactly what landlords do. And they get away with it because it’s perfectly legal.

Everything about Trump is so fucking desperate and wannabe. Wannabe gangster, wannabe 80's socialite baller, wannabe babe killer. Loser had to sell is ass to lowlife KGB Tony Montana (wannabe) in order to grift his way into the WH. Now a pornstar owns his fat, sorry ass and none of his D-list wannabe gangster

Anderson Cooper: you thought that there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn’t sign it?

I just realized.... Is this identical to a plot in the Daredevil Netflix show?

I really hope we eventually get the catharsis of seeing at least some member of Trump’s scummy inner circle get jail time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not holding out hope, because this is America, where wealthy and powerful people are allowed, encouraged even, to be disgusting pieces of shit.

She is also a girl who doesn’t have long hair, a Floridian who doesn’t want everyone to be armed, and a teenager who is composed and articulate in the face of tragedy. So naturally they are confused.

You are sorely vexed.

The idea that a bunch of largely untrained civilians could mount a credible defense against the largest, best equipped, and most technologically advanced military in the world is laughable. The “I may need to fight tyranny” boat sailed when the matchlock went out of mass production.

Not surprising. That kind of double talk is par for the course with racist shitheads. Particularly against Latinos, as I can personally attest. They want you to be American, but when they need you to be a stereotype of what they think a Latino should be, they shit on you for not conforming to that.

You have to be some kind of evil to go after a teenage girl who survived a school shooting. Like you truly have to be the worst type of person. Monsters.

It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.

Wait they’re mad at an immigrant for speaking English now? What the fuuuckkkk.

Of course they’re trying to smear her...she scares the SHIT outta these “adults”.

Also, it is profoundly scary just how much of gun purchases are driven by insanely irrational fear of the government seizing everyone’s guns.

That’s what the NRA’s propaganda is for, to convince Billy Bob and his gullible rifle-humping pals they can so they buy more guns. No, MOAR GUNS LIKE ALL THE GUNS BUY THE GUNS IF YOU LOVE FREEDOM MURICA FUCK YEAH.

Also, it is profoundly scary just how much of gun purchases are driven by insanely irrational fear of the government seizing everyone’s guns.

I wonder if the gun manufacturers will learn their lesson and start donating to Democrats instead of Republicans, because putting Republicans in power has been really, really bad for business.

The Kardashian body type is so bizarre to me. Why would you spend all that time getting a perfectly toned stomach and legs but then buy yourself a fake ass that looks downright comical with your teeny waist and toothpick legs?