
We’ve seen this film, before. At least some of us.

Wasn’t there some international agreement (or at least some unspoken gentlemen’s agreement) that we wouldn’t militarize outer space?

“We should have a new force called the Space Force. It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space, because we’re spending a lot of money on space.”

*Prays for the gaping maw of hell to open up right underneath that spot and swallow everyone there.*

My mom is now a therapist, my mom spent most of my life in therapy. I think about this often. But I also think she is probably really helpful to a lot of people, just not me so much.

He alleged that “when he nominated three men to receive an ‘exceeds’ rating on their review, a higher-ranking female executive rejected his request and lowered the scores,” says the Chronicle. “Meanwhile, a woman he had nominated for the same ‘exceeds’ rating received it, even though he had given her a lower ranking

When will people think of the upper class white 20 year old men?!?!

The case was dismissed “with reverse prejudice, which is the REAL prejudice problem in this country”

I didn’t realize that Scott Ard’s opinion on employee performance was the final word, and no one can ever challenge or question or contradict Scott’s point of view, especially not ladies. Good to know!

As they say: when you’re accustomed to hegemony, equality feels like oppression.

If there is no job offer after 2nd interview, move on. If there is no office to interview in, move on immediately. NEVER go out for drinks with your boss unless you live in Japan. If you are asked social or political questions in an interview, leave immediately.

I heard White Supremacists say they’ll meme their way into relevance and it’s happened.

Oh conservatives...harass, threaten, and assault people online then complain when they’re banned for their behavior.

I just saw him on Colbert and ew. Plus for me he looks like a caveman or like he has a skull head. That prominent brow is really unattractive.

Emotionally repressed rich women have no idea what it means to passionately desire anything.

Wasn’t she on one of those teen pregnancy reality shows? I knew that those were a very bad idea.


  1. Farrah Abraham has chosen porn over MTV.

I think the Bruno Mars conversation is also due to the fact that he’s a easy target partly due to the fact that he is a person of color. The people who go on these long diatribes on him, seem to be silent when faced with post malone or Gerald ( G - Eazy) who are actual offenders, but shrug.

REALLY well put, Michael. Point 3 is something I’ve been thinking a lot about in this context: like, unless you’re exclusively making bluegrass music, you owe a huge amount of credit to black artists. That’s a damn FACT. So where does cultural appropriation start and stop?