
No, the Hubble constant is supposed to be constant everywhere, but two different ways of measuring it are producing two different results.

Hooters. There’s always Hooters.

Or she’ll just go work for a private school that more or less believes this shit.

Hmm. I was almost certain when the picture loaded to match the text I was going to see one of my former tormentors. I should have known it wasn’t one of them when the post didn’t include anything about being caught locking a student in a detention closet for yawning or refusing to rip their own hair out for a “science

This is her 2nd year teaching there, started Aug ‘16.

Unfriendly reminder to these dipshits that if they ever achieved their dreams of a white ethnostate, the whitest whites would start scapegoating the less-white-whites for their society’s issues and ills and “having a hard conversation about who really is and isn’t white” before they could blink.

This is good! Keep on busting these fucks!

Unless Crystal River is bigger than I think it is, she has likely taught my nieces and nephew. This is fucking depressing.

Can’t wait for the presser where she’s sobbing in front of the cameras, claiming that this is not who she really is. Not that it will help her get a job anywhere, but I’m sure her buddies who hold her up as a shining star can send money her way via Gofundme or whatever racist version of it is out there. She’s gonna

Nothing screams “I belong to a more intelligent race” like using your own picture on the barely-pseudonymous Twitter account you use to post white nationalist nonsense.

Yeah, fine, great, work on *that* science.

How is she changing poopie diapers with two-inch nails?!?

Bullshitters are nihilists- “Zey belief in nuhzing”

As an Anerican if Irish welsh decsent, well fuck yeah we are....wanna fight and make up over a pint or six?

I think what makes Trump different from regular politicians, who bullshit with couched language or hide behind plausible deniability, Trump’s bullshit is all either demonstrably false and disprovable on the spot, or stuff that will inevitably be revealed to be bullshit.

Can we just agree that Captain Fuckface is a useless POS who has only one qualification and that is being a giant fucking racist which is the only thing his redneck, dipshit supporters care about.

The old Elwood Blues defense. “It wasn’t lies. It was just...bullshit.”

It’s almost as if Trump is a liar and just says crazy shit all the time but people still report his words as fact.

It’s not that the president is liar- you kind of expect that of politicians, to a point- it’s that he is a bullshitter.

S/O to UCLA for keeping that under a lid for months and months, allowing the leader of the free world to publicly shit on one of its athletes. Lavar Ball removing his son from the school makes a ton of sense now in retrospect, all that Lithuania nonsense notwithstanding.