
They’re all righteously fucked. Kushner has shady business dealings all over the place, owing money to the same bank with shady loans to Trump and that got popped for laundering Russian mafia money (Deutsche Bank). Ivanka is being investigated within the context of two separate businesses. Eric and Donnie Jr. were big

Or Florida. It is closer to Puerto Rico, there are already a lot of Puerto Ricans there, and flipping Florida would also be great.

Come one, come all.

Police unions, the only unions left in this country that are untouchable by anti-unionists. No officer has or will ever get arrested on the spot of anything. Very few officers are ever convicted, in the absence of incontrovertable evidence.

Didn’t they essentially make that movie with Taxi Driver though?

Nah. DC thinks they’re morons. They won’t have any influence, because their dad literally fucked the Republicans out of power.

There is a cinematic universe out there in which a Death Wish remake could be entertaining, thought-provoking, even halfway-not-entirely offensive (maybe).

There’s nothing inherently wrong with a Death Wish remake, the issue is when you follow Michael Winner’s fascist bullshit views from the original movie that were not in the book. Ideally it would be a character study, a bleak tale of a man who can no longer function without killing people he blames for his misery, the

yeah, they are basically slasher films after the first one- you root for the ridiculous kills, not necessarily for the character

Eli Roth is number two on my wishlist of directors whose careers I hope get utterly crushed by allegations.

Yeah the original Deatb Wish is uncomfortable. The later sequels just get sillier and sillier. Bronson was in his 70s by the end and they were being made by Canon films. So it was comedic gold

I look forward to the dancing in the streets and a parade for Mr. Mueller.

I’m just waiting for the shit fit on twitter and the huge overreaction by dotard. If they keep provoking him he will just keep digging his own grave.

I think they’re doing it to get Trump to react.

Wouldn’t it be cool if somehow this becomes the thing that takes down Ivanka Trump? I mean, I know nothing will ever come of whatever this is, but I can just imagine the rage stroke old Donny Mush Mouth would have over the indictment of his favorite forbidden fruit and the thought of it makes me happy.

Trump That Bitch! Ivanka for Prison 2018! Lock her up! Lock her up!!

I wonder if they’re doing this to draw DJT out to say or do something incriminating. He can give a shit about his other offspring. But, the ones he wants to have sex with? Nobody puts Ivanka in a corner.

This is why I don’t blame the cops anymore. Well, not just the cops. Their training needs to be revisited and it needs to include getting shot. This needs to be included as well:

Yeah. They got fired and Hollins’ charges got dropped but it’s hard to feel too much satisfaction from this when they’re just going to get acquitted and be hired one county over, if they don’t sue and get their jobs back with back pay.

The same exact thought ran though my mind when i read the attorney’s comment. This is precisely what they are trained to do and I can imagine the sense of myrth the lawyer felt with that truthful lie