
Four dimensional, huh? Just what kind of storm are we talking about again?

His antics in Kansas are well known. He lives (ironically) in the only liberal part of Kansas (Lawrence) but made his career in Kansas whipping small town, xenophobic farmers into a froth about seasonal farm workers and Tyson chicken plant processors from Latin America all conspiring to vote illegally and demanding

Nothing to see here, climate change is a Chinese hoax by liberal scientists with a wrecking agenda!


Truly. I still generally like Banana Republic stuff for the office, but GAP stuff is mostly like, “What if Old Navy clothes were more expensive and less flattering?”

Except for all our coastal towns and cities that will get inundated.

And the prairies that will have severe droughts.

Damn those Canuck bastards with their “sorrys”.

Well, that is the standard Republican/conservative line: I got mine, fuck everyone else.

Republican terrorists on the hill. Never forget.

I’ve been thinking about climate change. Who would benefit from a warmer climate? What country has a vast amount of potentially arable land once the permafrost melts? What country benefits the most from an ice-free Arctic? What country benefits from having a climate denial proxy in charge of a major world power?

When the lens of history looks back on this era, do you think they will say the names, Trump, Pence, Bannon, Miller, DeVoss, Prince, Kobach and Arpio the same way we were raised to revile names like Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele, Riefenstahl, etc?

Erasing my first sarcastic response (sorry) to post this.

hahahaha thank you!!

I didn’t know that Mitch McConnell could successfully lead anything through a disaster.

You shit out your front? Please see a doctor.

Ehhhhh this dude’s saying the winds were only gusting 23 mph when the plane cut through: