
A more likely analogy is, you rape and kill her, cut her up, dump her body, intentionally crash and burn your car. Then stay quiet about it, until asked, in which case you say “No I dropped her off here” and when they find the body you say “oh she had an accident”.

“irregular conduct with a corpse”

Just plead guilty. Worst case you end up in a Danish prison:

After all this guy’s lying, I think it’s safe to say that nobody should ever believe a single word coming out of his mouth. Literally everything he’s claimed so far has proven to be lies. What he offers now is undoubtedly just more lies, in yet another pathetic attempt to save his own hide somehow.

At this point it’s probably fair to assume the opposite of whatever he says is true.

It doesn’t affect my work too much since I’m not doing direct client work anymore, but it’s a pretty bad psychic toll. And does lead to some extra work on my part. Hope I get to do more....

I would also like to see a lawsuit from a Dreamer that has been working sue them to get any Social Security they have paid in be REFUNDED to them. If you are going to ship them out, you can’t keep money they paid in to support “legal” people that get to stay. Fuck you, you dimwitted, racist, fat piece of shit we are

Well said, and I think we feel largely the same.

Yea reversing DACA as a way to get congress to pass immigration reform is basically playing Russian roulette but with 5 bullets instead of 1.

Yeah, that was deliberate. They needed someone both gutless and vile. That he also was the one technically responsible was just a happy coincidence.

America is, and has always been, a land of massive contradictions. Of soaring rhetoric about freedoms, of true dedication towards egalitarian ideals, of prosperity and progress; while at the same time a land where the weak are considered immoral, where the nation was founded on a violent revolution, where black people

Sorry, “thoughts and prayers” are currently busy with the impending hurricane. They’ll need time to regroup afterwards, so perhaps they’ll tweet “it’s the parents fault that these poor souls were placed in this position.” Sort of a sorry, not sorry statement.

There is 100% going to be a lawsuit about the use of information this way. No way to tell if it will win, but at the very least, it’ll force these fuckers to admit that they’re breaking a promise.

So many of us, myself included, take it completely for granted that we are citizens. And I mean I have an immigrant mother and a sister born overseas.

To be clear, DACA was NOT done by executive order. It was a memo issued by the Department of Justice, followed by a memo issued by DHS.

Hi — while I agree with a general sense of skepticism that’s always healthy when dealing with stuff like this, as a DACA recipient myself, these comments do little more than incite fear. I am scared and so are other people like me — but I also hope that Congress will pull through with something. Please do not hope

For once, I agree with Trump this is something Congress should have done long ago. (Obviously I don’t agree with his reversing DACA, itself, just that Congress should have passed legislation.)

I’m just wondering how and why DACA recipients aren’t referred to as Americans. THEYRE AMERICAN. What else could they be if they fucking grew up here?? Jesus im really pissed about this one. Not that it’s surprising after this shitfuck of a presidency so far.

Excuse me?! The GOP’ers will also tweet their “thoughts and prayers” to the Dreamers as they are deported. Ok?! What else do you want from them? I mean they only have complete control over the executive and legislative branches of our government!

Now the fate of DREAMers remains unclear.