

But, of course, until they were scragged for it on Twitter, the City did not have the mosques on the list they provided of shelters....

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...once

That always drives me nuts about some ‘Christians’ - especially the Church Of Prosperity types. It’s apparently OK for them to believe that they’re doing God’s will by just prayers alone, and throwing money at a plate, and believe that what you’re doing is somehow sufficient. But the works of God only take root in the

Murderer Fingered By Parrot

I woke up one morning and I was “gifted” with MS. My life lost at least five years, and I ended up getting divorced because my ex wasn’t willing to help pick up the slack of what I couldn’t do anymore, declaring bankruptcy, and continually dealing with family court. You know what God’s got? A hardon for fucking with

For me, it was the aftermath of a suicide bombing that really sealed the deal. Where was god when a 20-year-old bomber entered an open air market, looked around for the busiest stall, walked over to it and detonated his explosive belt? Where was god for the seven civilians who died? In particular, how did god “got

Hi! Fellow apostate here. To take that further, the faithful will say that your argument presupposes you, a mortal, are capable of understanding the plan of God, the unknowable, infinite, etc. It’s not as simple as that, they say, because God’s plan is too complex and far-reaching for any of us to fully understand.

But But But Terrorism!

Yeah, I like how they left some carefully-worded conditions in their statement that make it possible for them to continue to sit on their “thoughts and prayers” bullshit.

I had basically that same conversation with myself ~20 years ago while I was pulling the still-burning bodies out of a crashed 747. Seeing the few surviving children taken to the hospital, knowing they’d live a “blessed” life with 80% of their body covered in burn scars and no parents......

Seeing “god” at his/her/its

“We are prepared to shelter people once the cities and county shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm in helping our fellow citizens rebuild their lives.”

“God’s got this.”

Yeah, that’s right across the street. I didn’t realize how much lower they were than we are. My car is dry on this side of the road.

How do you look at that slimy, used car salesman face and not immediately know he’s a con man? I just don’t get religious folks. I don’t get how they can be so naive that they keep falling for scam artists like him.

watching this hypocrite’s ark has been really enlightening. 

Dumb and Dumber 4 opening in Texas shortly.

Trump’s outfit is fine. Melania’s choice in footwear is the opposite of fine. For reference, here’s Obama in his disaster surveying gear. Of all the things he’s done related to Harvey, his choice of clothes is far and away the least offensive.