
“Behind all these Swarovski crystals and little black dresses, this girl has a lot of grit and she’s not going anywhere,” she said.

Considering the hit our collective Grit fund has taken since Eckstein and Welker retired, and Edelman got hurt, yeah, I’ll buy in. I prefer to lease my grit, though.

Thanks for the update - I feel sorry for any foreign dignitary who finds themselves in a press conference with this man; it must be excruciating - although even Niinistö’s political opponents will be more sympathetic towards him when he gets back to Helsinki.

I was glad to see that someone, somewhere gives a fuck about rape. I still don’t know where the fuck Hamilton is though.

Funny how football people’s brains work, huh? They all seem like huge fucking gutless coward assholes.

How is blackballing a man who knowingly enabled and protected rapists any different than blackballing a man who quietly protested civil rights violations?

That’s how all world leaders who are actually leading their nations look in press appearances with the Fraud In Chief.

They would not be able to keep up with the sectarianism between social anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, ancaps, anarcho-pacifists, green anarchism, and anarcho-primitivists, etc. Too many big words and not enough Stars and Stripes.

Nothing. His brain is basically rotten due to his dementia.

It’s the latter. He’s such a douche. And now Arapio, who is 85, is contemplating a Senate run. I hope he does. From what I understand, actual local voters are completely fed up with him, and would give him a sound thrashing in an election.

Her actions, along with the sexual abuse of minors and anti-LGBT stance, are what drove me from the Catholic Church 15 years ago.

Also, Obama commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence which means she’s still guilty. These assholes don’t know anything about current events and history.

Who the fuck knows, but it’s once again PR 10-fucking-1 that you try to hide shitty stories in a late-Friday dump. He may not understand that but his comms team must.

Dinesh D’Souza might actually be the dumbest clown in this whole carnival.

It’s Trump, so clearly he did it because the hurricane would give him higher ratings. All those people trapped in their homes; all they can do is watch TV. Unless they have no power, in which case fuck those lazy non-electricians.

Putting aside for a second the absolute ridiculousness of the President of the United States giving a shit about ratings for a press conference, was he saying that he did it that night because he thought the ratings would be higher due to the hurricane, or he did it that night in order to raise ratings so more people

A Lego kit robot that can print its own blocks? What could possibly go wrong?

No disassemble, or...

Because that’s exactly what it is. FYI: Mindstorm still exists, v3 was released in 2013.

Hey, Laser Lips! Your momma was a snowblower!