
I still don’t understand why MLB just doesn’t automatically eject and suspend anyone running in from the Bullpen for these fights. There’s no reason for them to job the 350+ feet to get to the mound to just stand around. I’m sure the guys who are like 50 feet away in the dugouts can provide more support than someone

Considering that everybody on that Super Bowl team is living out a Final Destination movie, he’s probably happy to be above ground.

Great idea, it’s a retirement bonus he can give himself. I tend to doubt many equiptment managers are asked to sign a non-disclosure agreements. Then again, nowadays maybe they are.

I’m scratching my head as to what could have happened. Some acts committed by employees are grounds for immediate dismissal, regardless of length of employment, the relationship being fundamentally broken.

Or, or, the Spanos family is a bunch of broke-ass dirtbags who implored the citizenry of San Diego for loyalty but never ever showed the same to anyone, unless it was their crooked team doctor, who must have been a good source of scripts for them, that they hung on to him for so many years after he was shown to be a

Just one time I’d like to see two guys square off and have no one intervene - this ridiculous posturing would go away quick.

If the problem is that not enough people are paying $50+ to watch each individual big event they put on, maybe the answer should be to stop asking casual fans of the sport to pay $50+ to watch each individual big event they put on. Pretty much every other professional sport has figured out that a far more stable

I think the fact that he’s a “big name” player in the Mets organization that hasn’t gotten horribly and inexplicably injured yet, pretty much clinches that Tebow is indeed, Jesus.

And also the Tigers started it by throwing at Sanchez just because he was legit tearing them a new one. I love baseball (and the Yanks), but it is the only sport where if a guys does his job too well, the other team feels like its ok to take his head off.

The Betances pitch is by far the most egregious thing to happen in this game and he should be given the longest suspension ever for a beaning. I mean that’s absurd. If baseball wants to move on from this eye for an eye shit start with this by suspending all these goons. Give Betances 20 games and set the example for

Dirty Sanchez.

Nice! Cabrera actually showed some decent form with those jabs. Almost like he had a little boxing training when he was a kid. Usually you see these dumbasses throw wild haymakers. I mean, he went for the “slap” after he connected a few times, but he really had some intent with that first little poke. And Romine

Romine really needs to drive through his shot. Good level change but poor finish against a big man.

Gary Sanchez threw a cheap shot to Nick Castellanos while Castellanos was being tackled, then sheepishly ran away. I have zero doubt he gets away with it.

That’s what I was thinking. The fact that he hit him so squarely in the head basically forced the ump to eject him. It was so bizarre seeing him argue that he shouldn’t be thrown out.

I mean, if I assumed I was about to get thrown at again and Aroldis Chapman was on the mound, I’d start a fight to get myself ejected too.

It should be noted the complaint comes from the traveling fans of Grimsby, their opponents.

It takes an awful lot to make the NY Jets stadium entry antics look good but here we are.

I have a genetic collagen disorder called Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. There is no cure or treatment. VEDS causes spontaneous ligament rupture, easy bruising, paper thin skin, muscle spasms, dysautonomia, and I am at insanely high risk for spontaneously occurring aortic aneurysms, brain bleeds, and hollow organ

Please keep using that perpetual headline. It’s the best.