
“But it wasn’t until the second week that the movement started, people going multiple times and taking girlfriends and grandmothers, and pictures sent to me from 90-year-old women who were wheeled in. All of that was absolutely stunning to see.”

Ron Paul.

I was rooting for Obama to play the first black Bond, featuring Mich McConnell as Dr. No.

I’m reasonably sure that Donald doesn’t know anything without John Kelly’s help. Now if anyone can wrestle the goddamn phone out of Trump’s hands so he can’t tweet anymore THAT would be an accomplishment.

Like that’s going to work. I think it’s become clear over the last month that Trump isn’t all that easily manipulated. The racism is coming from inside the president. He doesn’t need Bannon whispering in his ear. The grandstanding and name calling don’t need encouragement either. He’s going to blow up every few weeks

While this is reprehensible in it’s own right, it’s just more of the GOP/Trump playbook of fatiguing us out with the latest controversy.

I feel for the people staying in the administration trying to mitigate the damage this insane narcissistic idiot is doing or keep him from replacing them with unqualified yes-men (I’d say “yes-people” but lol who are we kidding).

World’s best military force vs. inbred hicks with guns who think they’re all Jack Bauer but aren’t even Jack Shit.

Fun fact: DoD spends TEN TIMES as much money annually treating erectile dysfunction than it does providing necessary medical care for it’s transgendered troops.

Per the late and unlamented Steve Bannon, the real goal of this transgender ban is strictly political; he wants to use this as a wedge issue to force Democrats to take on the (in his view) politically toxic defense of transgender soldiers’ right to serve.

I’ve just finished reading Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave, having not read it in many years and thinking of assigning it this semester in my writing class. It so beautifully cautions about just governance and education, but this seems most appropriate now: “Whereas if they go to the administration of public affairs,

Australian drug prices are INSANE. Like 10x, often more, than US street prices. Add in the way they inflate everything and the fact that the drugs are from a combined 61 people and its probably a bunch of low level street dealers.

Didn’t a couple of military heads say they wouldn’t enforce this? Legitametly, what happens when the military doesn’t obey their commander in chief? Aren’t we then close to a military coup? God, are we going to have to rely on the military to kick this jackass out since DC won’t do it?

“It is unconscionable that the commander in chief would take aim at his own, loyally serving troops for political reasons at a time when the military needs to focus on real threats,”

Well, since they uniformly refused to implement it and many openly came out against it, I’d say it’s obvious that’s a lie.

My husband is deploying to Afghanistan next year.

So who wanted this, aside from Trump’s base and a few hyper-conservative House members?

drugs with an estimated street value of $1.1 million had been seized