
To be fair Freeman, the only careers the Jets ruin is those of Jets players.

Good grief.

I mean, I thought that was all agreed upon that he fucked up in a major way (pretty sure it was over the affair and possibly talking to the women at the MET gala), Solange beat his ass, and Beyonce believed he deserved it. Because she was all like “don’t mess up my dress” and then left the party with her sister, not

But Mama, that’s where the fun is!

I’m sorry but the only Stark worth a single goddamn is Uncle Benjen

I think this was their one disagreement ever because Jay Z learned to never disagree with her again.

My life’s purpose is bigger than football.

Sure, but Republicans screw women over personally, too. So... yeah. Yipes.

Um, he verified her account of what happened. Seriously though, what is with your need to mistrust women so much, you ask to us to be skeptical of her? She is a person whose never been shown to be untrustworthy, and she’s also the victim of an abusive and confessed liar. One who by the way VERIFIED HER ACCUSATIONS

I have a deep and abiding love for Al Franken, dating back to watching SNL when I was way too young to be watching SNL. Plus he can draw the United States by memory. Plus he’s my senator.

You forgot the part about Republicans also screwing women over personally. Have you ever heard of Newt Gingrich? Rudy Giuliani? Donald Trump himself?

This reminds me of the old adage: “Democrats screw women over personally, Republicans screw women over politically.” Many an overall helpful male turns out to be a cheating bastard at home. If I have to choose, and it seems that the Al Frankens and the Bernie Sanders and the Bruce Springsteens are few and far

“So you take her word as is? Not even a bit of skepticism?”

I briefly dated a guy once who let me know after a few weeks, and of course as I was starting to really like him that he and his ex-girlfriend were still living together. At first when he told me I tried to be open and cool, but then I asked him if they were still trying to work things out, or if this was just a

Publix has high prices, people should be able to act out their drama in the stores if they want to.

I’d reckon there’s some degree of success..l

A guy who worked next door to my office struck up a friendship with me. We were super cool for three years. No mention of a girlfriend. Then I see he got married. It was all over Facebook. I congratulated him. He got all weird and defensive about it. Wouldn’t admit to it. Demanded to know how I knew?

What?!?! I’m SHOCKED!

reading the comments on various sites and i see that a lot of male feminists are upset about this. they seem very defensive of joss and attacking kai.

The proper context here is important to my very uneducated eye. She “botches” the move at the very beginning of the routine, at which point I would have completely forgotten everything else I was supposed to do after that. But she managed to gather herself and perform really well afterwards, including an impressive