
The people of Atlanta are still really sensitive about Sherman jokes... I know this because I make them constantly.

If you ever wanna have a real good (read: terrible) time, pick a Conservative-leaning Facebook page discussing all this and remind them that Robert E. Lee was a slaveowner and a traitor. You will learn real quick just what kind of history some people in this country have been taught. The way some people tell it, Lee

I am honored, but somehow I feel renaming President Of The Bad Guys In The Civil War to Obscure, Unknown Other White Guy is kind of missing the point.

I’ve got a better idea. Just keep the name the same, but stop doing any reconstruction, repairs or maintenance to it. Allow potholes and cracks to form in the pavement, bridges to rust out and become unsafe, and watch as people start referring to it as “that fucking Jefferson Davis piece of shit highway” and

How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

I certainly agree that all groups have their share of bigoted people. My side of the family is from the Caribbean and there’s all kinds of colorism and bigotry against people from other islands and black Americans.

I call my hometown a “no-carry” state. I thought exactly the same as you when I saw how few of these smug little counsinfuckers actually showed up. No way those cowards show up in a place where they might have to throw a punch or get punched in order to start trouble. They only make trouble in places where they can

It’s been this way as long as I can remember, and I grew up in the 60's. The first time I actually felt like me and people like me were part of this country, was at Jerry Garcia’s memorial when his daughter Annabel said her father was a great American, and everybody cheered. The literal first time I felt like I

You know, I am pissed as hell that the right wing has co-opted a flag that is supposed to represent everybody. They have also co-opted such buzzwords as “patriot”, “freedom,” and “liberty”, when they are about anything but these things.

I wonder if the woman waving the flag was the one Fox News posted a clip of as “woman waving American flag gets knocked down and dragged!!!!” when if you watch the clip, someone walking by takes a swipe at the flag, she tries to throw a punch, then CHASES the guy through the crowd, trips and falls, gets up and runs

I live in St. Louis and open carry is legal. After Ferguson, there was an open carry rally put on by the tea partiers (obviously meant to intimidate). Some folks from North City showed up with THEIR firearms (and their melanin) and suddenly the open carry tea partiers weren’t that interested in holding that freedom

Definitely. I think the sign that resonated most was “Flint needs clean water.” That person was saying it’s more important to look at the bigger picture of inequality than trying to prove a who’s-less-racist point

“Some people are offended by the American flag.”

It’s also that the schools in the city are so bad, because higher property taxes in the suburbs lead to better schools. Most of the time, as soon as you can move out of Boston you do, because better schools, you can have a yard, etc, etc. Hell, South Boston in the 60's and 70's was the greatest concentration of white

Of course the cowards who showed up in Charlottesville last weekend didn’t stayed away from a city where open carry is illegal. They don’t care about the 1st Amendment; all they want to do is intimidate people.

Racism in the north is definitely more subtle, but just as bad. It’s “I have to move to the suburbs because the schools in the city are so bad” with the unspoken-but-implied part being “because they’re full of children of color.”

That sign, pretty much saying, “FUCK YOU, NAZIS - YOUR WOMEN LOVE BIG BLACK COCK.” is the most Boston thing ever...

You hit the nail on the head. Racism in Boston and New York is different to racism in charlottesville. It’s curiously white neighbourhoods and schools contrasted with neighbourhoods of colour that somehow have a much lower median income, and schools that are objectively worse. Eric Garner didn’t get murdered in

You trying to jam Kaep? I’m taking all you crooked cops down.

I’m surprised there weren’t more white cops riot gear yelling “Stop resisting!”