
Slowing in Hawaii too. Multiple teams are forfeiting due to injuries in practice decimating their 19 person squads!

If the NFL loses it’s suburban Maryland talent pipeline they are dooomed.

If I were a HS Superintendent, I would have a long meeting with the district lawyer, and then my own lawyer before I sent a bunch of boys to the head-butting practice field. Not sure why the liability issues haven’t killed this sport already.

Out of curiosity, what’s the trend line for participation in boy’s soccer at the HS level over the same time period?

As an actual Centennial graduate, I’ll say that I have no problem with it being described as a DC area school. Because it is, even if calling it a Baltimore area school might be more accurate.

Just looked up minor league baseball pay. Screw that shit making 12k a year. But the idea of playing to pay for college still stands.

You can never show this video too much! XXXOOO

My students were asking why we don’t have football. The practical reason is we are a small private school and can’t afford a football team, but even if we could I can’t imagine being able to support a program as an educator. Send your kids here so we can develop and then destroy their brains!

Even Ahnuld has chimed in with actually quite a nice rant. AHNULD!

Donny Two Scoops - I’m definitely stealing that for future use. It’s like the most pathetic mafia name ever.

Soooo presidential.

It absolutely is, and it’s awesome.

Uch, you guys are just the same as fascists, robbing the Nazis of their freedom of speech with your mean words which is the same thing as violence gawd.

Nazis will never be convinced by arguments to rethink their opinions, and social network sanctions are about as impotent as it gets. Nazis can only be scared into submission. They need to be too scared of the consequences to utter their vile opinions. We have to shut them up and then wait until they die out. It’s the

The reason I need a flow chart is, for example Bannon. He’s racist. Is he a Nazi? Or just a Nazi organizer, manipulator of Nazis?

“o/` We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning. We didn’t start the fire. No, we didn’t start it but we tried to fight it...”

(We should totally make a new stanza for that song based on today’s events.)

What’s the Over/Under on the second US civil war? It’s coming, we all know it. The question now is just when. I guess this is what happens when a sitting President gives tacit approval to neo-nazis and hate groups...

Wasn’t he the pathetic Nazi coward who got chased away by an angry mob at his press conference? Of course he would double down on the patheticness and cowardice and attack a dead girl on Twitter from the safety of his home. The mob should’ve beaten him into a pulp when they had the chance.

You know that feeling when you go into a stall and are about to let out a load.... and then someone lets out a passel of gas that makes you wonder if you should run for a fallout shelter or bunker to escape the dreadful explosion that’s about to come? But you can’t because you’re about to let loose yourself?