
Holy shit. That’s amazing that all of those schmucks are out except for Mother Pence’s husband.

“Jesus loves me best”

I had family who died as a result of Hitler’s march through Hungary. It’s neck-and-neck between Bannon and Gorka for who I think is the most loathsome turd in the White House.

In the past few weeks we’ve said goodbye to the Mooch, Spicey, Reince and as of today, Steve Bannon.

Hopefully this asshole

He also insists on being called “Dr. Gorka”. If I ever meet him I’m going to make a point of calling him “Mr. Gorka”.

why is it that all of these neo-nazis are also pathetic liars?

No wait, I think I know why...

God I wish Gorka would fuck off, if only because he likes to play up his British Army bullshit “oh I was in a super secret Intel unit who hunted down the IRA”.

Jalopnik’s excellent Stef Schrader covered this story initially around 1:30 yesterday and it was cross posted to Splinter. I get the impression that Univision is trying to push Splinter as new Gawker and they may be trying to wind down the political stuff here on Jez.

Exactly. I’ve been in various degrees of management in the industry for 14 years, and it’s not the first time this has happened. At the last restaurant I managed, corporate just jacked up the prices across the board by 50 cents, and barely anyone noticed. The Oceanaire isn’t exactly Dennys.

And why would an owner whine publicly on the receipt before the guest has a chance to tip his own employee better? Just shut the fuck up and be grateful no one notices happy hour prices going up 15 cents across the board to cover that rising tide, lifting all them boats. Stupid jerk.

Hey, it’s a proven scientific anecdote that if you give a poor working person more money they won’t spend it, they will just horde it or use it to invest in bitcoin. That’s the problem with poor people. They save all their money instead of giving it to rich people.

That was the issue raised-just quietly raise the prices but to pull this nonsense is bullshit.

I think you’re confusing “shyster” with “shylock”. While it is an insult, shyster is not a slur. Some people believe that it is derived from shylock, an antisemitic slur, but it is not.

I’m admittedly pretty ignorant about politics in Spain. Do they have a large anti-immigrant, islamophobic, nationalistic movement?

I mean, ISIS claims responsibility if someone trips so I’m not giving much weight to their claims just yet.

The only people with more experience with terrorism than those in Northern Ireland are the Spanish. Most of their experience comes at the hands of basque separatist groups though not Islamic extremists.

Why the pivot?

With the rampant fear of the Islamic State in the United States, it really is important to remember that far-right extremists have killed almost as many people in the US since 9/11 (more if you view the Pulse shooting as motivated by homophobia more than Islamic extremism) and domestic terrorism is homegrown: