
if you want to still see his tweets you can follow:

...and those that do just don’t care.

“...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

It doesn’t matter- Trump’s followers are too stupid to understand that the Pershing story is bullshit and those that do just don’t care.

I also think it’s funny that Trump is fond of telling an apocryphal tale about the Phillipine-American War about how to handle terrorists. Most Americans would consider that war a huge embarrassment if they knew it even happened. The fact that the whole episode has been swept under the rug and never mentioned at

He wouldn’t know a fact if it grabbed him by the pussy.

Funny too how mister “Wait for the facts” tweeted a completely disproven story about Blackjack Pershing while advocating fucking WAR CRIMES.

UEFA needs to come down way harder on this shit than they do. This happens multiple times every year in games with Balkan teams, whether in club or international play. It’s ridiculous.

I am not opposed to this. We have the technology!

You’re going to have to start a lot further north and west to rid the country of this problem. We need 4 Sherman clones.

Jesus, I think at this point we need to reanimate Sherman’s corpse and let him march to the sea again, because clearly they didn’t get the message the first time.

It’s a statue. Commemorating Confederate patriots. How does anyone today still look at that and think “Yeah I’m ok with that.” THEY LOST THE FUCKING WAR!!!

It’s important to keep in mind that basically none of these Confederate statues anywhere in the country were put up in the decades following the war in order to commemorate the bravery shown in a losing effort.

No, this statue like all the others were put up in the early 20th century during the heyday of Jim Crow as

Just as a reminder… These are not monuments honoring the dead. They are monuments erected after Plessy v Ferguson as a reminder to black people to stay in their lane.

Are their any societies in history that have erected monuments to honor traitors/loser of a civil war? I can’t imagine the Romans erecting statutes of conquered civilizations in Rome. 

I know Baltimore already took down the confederate statues in the dead of night, but if any of y’all in the city still have some ropes, some elbow grease and a desire to topple something repulsive...

Ray Lewis saw no prison time for his role in a double murder (which he probably didn’t commit, but certainly aided and abetted) and has an issue with NFL players protesting cops who murder and don’t go to prison. Gotta hand it to the guy: at least he’s consistent.

The news is a product, like any other commodity. The news today exists solely for the purpose of selling you products. If the people that own the companies that are advertising on your news don’t like the news you’re presenting, guess what, you don’t report that news anymore.

“The way the media, as a whole, is seen, has changed dramatically over the past 20 years.”

Yes! This. So many fucking times. Our society has a problem with litigation and nobody seems to give a fuck. If you can afford high priced lawyers you can get away with so much. You can look at recent attacks on media outlets, decades of slumlords getting away with breaking the law, our current President, etc...