
Except the transatlantic slave trade had been outlawed for 30 years by the time of the civil war had started. Most of Europe had outlawed it. Most of the Americas had outlawed it. Half of the country had outlawed it. It was no longer morally acceptable. Treason against the US has never been morally acceptable. I don’t

There’s no law against posthumously honoring terrible people who enabled the repeated rape of multiple children. Yet Penn State can’t wait to put that Joe Paterno statue back up.

I’m struggling to decide whether this is dumb, off topic, whataboutism, or just trolling.

Why, it’s almost as though you’ve missed the point.

How is this even a conversation. Yes: The Founding Fathers did things that we socially frown upon now. BUT THEY FOUNDED THE FUCKING COUNTRY! Confederates did everything they could to split the country on the basis of maintaining those things HUNDREDS of years later and when there was actually a very large debate

More like #themoreyoudeflect. Slave ownership isn’t the issue *here*. The issue is traitors like Lee who *fought* for the right to own slaves.

This is largely why there hasn’t been any serious effort by Democrats to rally the country around the idea of impeaching Trump: they know as well as we do that they have accomplished almost nothing the last decade on their own (Obama is a generational talent that fell into their lap, and not to go all Bill Simmons,

We “dodged” that bullet this year; had he lost, it’s not at all clear he would have accepted that. In power, man, that’d be so much worse.

I don’t get how Confederate Statues, etc. are allowed on government property.

...why, he doesn’t even know the MEANING of the word narcissistic. Well, and lots of other words too.

This makes me feel so reactionary, especially after fringe elements spent 8 years saying similar of Obama, but I really do wonder if he will relinquish power on 1/20/2021 if reelection doesn’t go his way.

I forget, which of the men on Mount Rushmore created a separate country and fought a war against the United States government?

He may be the most powerful person in our society, but is it safe to say that he is the least powerful “most powerful person” since at least Gerald Ford?

It’s absolutely, undeniably a false equivalency to equate wealthy people who owned slaves in a society where every wealthy person owned slaves to people who actively chose to attempt to rebel against their country’s government and form their own government for the specific and sole purpose of continuing the right to

And let’s not forget putting Jeff Fucking Sessions in charge of Justice.

Come on, Albert. I mean, Trump’s no born leader, and he’s obviously got less business acumen than he’d have us think. And, okay, sure, he’s closer to Gomer Pyle than Albert Einstein on the old intelligence spectrum. But narcissistic?

literally any of whom he’d run over with a combine harvester in a moment if it got the New York Times to treat him like a True New York Big Sho

This so much. He’s shown countless times that his erratic thoughts (or what passes for them in his tweets) don’t necessarily mean anything when compared to his actions. Sometimes they line up, but I think that’s by coincidence or rarely when someone else lines them up for him without his knowledge.

I keep waiting for the Trump presidency to reach critical mass when he tweets, “If there can be a BLACK history month, how is it racist to have a WHITE history month?”

I genuinely don’t care what low-wattage thoughts bounce around in his empty head. Whether he “really thinks” Nazis are good or bad is completely irrelevant. It’s what you do that matters, and what he does is provide comfort and support (and jobs) to dangerous white supremacists.