
I hope the bystanders were...let us say, enthusiastic in wrestling him to the ground.

“I’m all for freedom of speech, but these black guys are speaking in a way that makes me feel bad and guilty, and I don’t like feeling like that. Easiest solution is to shame them for speaking out.”

Not that I’d actually like to see this come to pass, but it’d be pretty fair for Europe to impose a travel ban on Americans “until we figure out how to make sure no neo-Nazis are allowed in”.*

If you bring up BSAB to defend Nazis you are probably a Nazi.

The issue is these folks have invaded “regular conservative” groups. The president pandered to them to get elected! For a group that regularly asks muslims to out the extremists in that community, conservatives do a very poor job of outing their extremists.

Good thing you’re here to remind everyone that white people have to be subjected to racism, too. I bet you like to say “not all whites are racist” too.

Had Scott Pruitt been EPA director in the 90's, there would be no ozone layer now.

Forming a mob and beating up a minority while wearing white power/nationalist/sumpremacist regalia is being a fucking Nazi.

It would be awesome if that could be made true, but when you look at the list of people at the tiki rally now getting doxxed, the jobs they’re being removed from are sometimes surprising. People with good tech jobs, for example, people in the medical field, etc.- which means they’re not stupid, they just have stupid

One of the dimensions of this story is that these American born nazi traitors are using the same ideology and recruitment tools as ISIS, the justification for Trumps unAmerican travel ban.

Maybe a class in how to avoid scam artists?

It’s almost as if you’re going to make most of these guys take BS classes to stay eligible under the facade of them being “student-athletes”, you might as well make them take classes that teach them life skills, like money management, responsibility, anger management, and other skills that would benefit them in their

I worry about overzealous violent mobs and the #notHillary Bernie Bros fringe groups too. But would it be better if we on the left went back to antipathy?

I’m starting to think that Personal Accountability needs to be a freshman level course at these football schools, rather than an elective senior seminar class.

Elliot: “I’m gonna smash through that d-line no problem”

Nope, East Texas. My town is the home base of a repulsively large branch of the KKK. They used to go around in a bus recruiting (I haven’t seen them do that in a while but I fully expect it any second now.)

Do you live in N Idaho or Spokane? Because same here and it drives me fucking crazy. There was a woman who works as a funeral attendant at a local funeral home posting memes about how counter protesters deserved to be run over. I took screen shots and sent to her employer, because goddamn! you’d think someone whose

HE GOT MAD that people said it wasn’t enough to do this now? Like seriously. What a fucking loser this guy. He just doesn’t know how to not defend himself against every little slight.

If memory serves me correctly, Arpaio was Trump’s partner in crime and immorality in the birther lie. Because he’s a racist piece of shit.