
Sometime I think they just want to wait half your day. There was a vehicle I was buying that I made all the arrangements ahead of time. Price was agreed upon, trade in was agreed upon, financing, etc. I sent in a deposit, told they I would be there on that weekend. They said the dealership doesnt officially open till

It really is strange. Some dealerships seem almost upset that you are bothering them. “Oh lord, ANOTHER person trying to buy our product? When will it end?”

Exactly. I don’t want to drive an extra 4 hours round trip, but for a few thousand dollars I do! After my local dealers followed up with me, I told them exactly what I did and how much I spent. They were totally ambivalent - that’s why I suspect most people (or enough) just pay the price and move on.

I was car shopping recently. Porsche, BMW, and MINI were my interests. I work overseas and wanted a simple, wife-drops-off-my-trade-and-picks-up-the-new-car deal. This was common when I sold for BMW but I couldn’t find a dealer to work with me, specifically on the trade. I was the perfect buyer. I knew what I wanted,

Back in ‘02, I was once shopping for a car for my mom and found two in CA spec’d exactly how she wanted it. My uncle up north got a price of 28,500 OTD and I was all but laughed out of the dealership down here when I tried to get the 32,500 quote down to near that price.

In 2002 and 2003, I financed my 02 Sequoia and 03 Accord EX online thru and online car finance company. I told the company what I wanted and how much I was going to pay, they found 5 dealerships that would sell the cars for that price and overnight Fedexed my cheques. As I walked up to the dealership lot, I saw

What these quotes have in common is that they were probably form replies generated by each dealer’s CRM and were never seen by a human being. This is a different level of indifference and indicates how many dealers still don’t know how to internet, but at least you know what you’re dealing with.

I didn’t listen to my friends but they were right. You fucking centrists and your sociopathic need to MAINTAIN THE DISCOURSE is embarrassing. How many people do this fucks need to put into ground until you realize they don’t give a flying fucking about your discourse, they are living, breathing, fucking Nazis. Fuck

Free speech has to do with the government abridging the rights of the people to speak; it has absolutely nothing to do with private action. Just as whoever it was (Cornyn?) who said Google was violating the 1st Amendment rights of that troll misogynist was completely wrong. The right to free speech includes the right

I am a fan of how Germany handles neo-nazis or any use of articles or activities related to nazism- zero tolerance. Even Chinese and American tourists aren’t given a break, as headlines have indicated this week. Chinese tourists got arrested for giving a nazi salute for a photo opportunity and an American got the shit

Except no one said that, so try again.

The state isn’t retaliating against them for using their right to free speech, private citizens are. The first amendment only protects us from restrictions on speech by the state. It isn’t a right to consequence free speech. If you are dumb enough to openly support this stuff and be identified, then you are creating a

Well to be fair, if you are rallying in a public place (park, street, etc) with you face out it isn’t really doxxing. There is no expectation of privacy. Now, if these dudes were huddled in one of their mother’s basements and were having a meetin’ to talk about down with the brown and somehow someone got their

I’m honestly not sure this should be categorized as “outing”, as these men voluntarily and proudly went out in public with uncovered faces to a white supremacist rally that they knew would draw many people with cameras that would photograph them. They weren’t hiding in their basements posting to secret internet

Well, seeing as they weren’t arrested for protesting, their right to free speech wasn’t infringed upon in the slightest.

Seriously. Do I need to post this every day?

This stood out to me as reported by CNN on the white supremacist who killed in Charlottesville.

“Im not a racist i just want to pay less taxes. So what if i have to elect a racist who will mostly lower the tax burden on the obscenely wealthy while taking away healthcare for the poor. That extra $5/mo i save in taxes is goddamn worth it”

And now cue all the #notallrepublican assholes...

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.