
( •_•)>⌐■-■

He’ll get approval beforehand. I doubt the Queen will object as much as the crazies on Tumblr think she will.

Pretty sure she knew. It’s ironic that she chose to defend herself with bad parenting.

I saw that clip. And I am calling BS. She knew. Her whole body language practically screamed of it. There was no shame there. There was no shock. She literally kept on shrugging and chuckling it off. The interviewer might as well have been telling her, “Hey, do you know your son is a Bronie?” Because she would have

I dont know much about antifa’s, but to the best of my knowledge the BLM violence was not started by the protesters.

She was repeating questions back to reporters in a slowish pace the way a mom who thinks her kid can do no wrong speaks during a parent-teacher conference. She knew exactly what was up.

I was being facetious, but the modern groups descend from those groups. Antifa is a tactic, not one org. The point is that you can’t divorce fighting Nazis then from doing it now so if you’re ok with killing Nazis then...

Yeah, and if coming out against antifa is your first response to someone getting killed in the name of white supremacy, you need to take a good long look at yourself.

Antifa probably has, but it was the 30's and 40's and they were soldiers literally participating in genocide.

This. If the inherit question(s) regarding what occurred was somehow related to the first amendment, fine, bring up antifa. It isn’t. In damn near every context that the “both sides suck” red herring I’ve heard get trotted out today people were talking about an emboldenment of white supremacists/neo-nazis or how in

Yea, remember when“Anti-facists” were called “The United States of America”? I do, my grandfather was one of them, and his ass spent almost a year in a German POW camp after his plane got shot down over Italy.

They showed up, they fought fascists and white supremacists, and they deserve our respect and thanks.

I saw a clip from an interview with the terrorist’s mother, who said: ‘I don’t really talk to him about his political views’ and ‘ I don’t really get too involved’. Maybe she should have.

The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.

I’m pretty sure they mean, “rape all you want”

The people waving Nazi flags and throwing Nazi salutes think the Holocaust was awesome and want to repeat everything their idols inflicted on the world.

random girls will want to have sex with you

Lol, these delusional motherfuckers.

Thanks for the updates. Hey y’all, you may not agree with the same tactics, but anti-fa have shown the fuck up to nazis and let them know they’re not tolerated. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking anti-fa and KKK are the same. A diversity of tactics is needed and necessary. Violent resistance to the Klan and nazis

This was what these fuckers were saying last night (from the Daily Stormer):