
Assuming the hairdresser is addressing this specific girl’s case, apparently the parents told her to “get over it.” Which is really effective in alleviating depression. /s So beyond neglect, I’d say.

I had a thumb-sized mat towards the back of my hair that I had to cut out for this very same reason. Depression is real and it’s not laziness and I wish more people understood it like Kayley does. That more people were willing to work with the people suffering.

I feel for Jen. I too suffer from ENS (erect nipple syndrome) and unless a bra is super padded you’ll know when there is a light breeze.

I couldn’t breastfeed because I have flat nipples, and the docs wouldn’t let me use a nipple shield. (That thing never stayed put anyway.) So I’m kind of jealous of Aniston?

Ha I was JUST talking to my boyfriend about Rachel’s nipples. I’ve been making him watch the whole series with me over the past year or two and we’re in season 7 now. He noticed her nipples last night and asked, “Is Rachel not wearing a bra?” I turned to him and almost screamed “HOW ARE YOU JUST NOTICING THAT NOW?!” I

I’m not sure her tweets were out of line. On the other hand, I do think they fall under the virtue signaling that the Root article is calling out. I think all us white people who don’t want to be part of the problem need to spend more time thinking about what concrete actions we can take within our realm of personal

I have pretty big nipples. They always look ready to cut glass. And I’m Canadian. There is nothing like a Canadian winter to ensure that my nipples are always ready to salute.

I was under the impression most film studios are kept cold because the lighting gets so hot the longer they are on. Could be wrong though.

Me too, and I choose to always wear padded bras. Even then, my nipples will still occasionally show through. I’m weirdly uncomfortable with nipples, and will never wear a shirt without a bra even though I have relatively small, perky breasts, because I feel so exposed if my nipples are visible to strangers. I don’t

Yeah I’m sure it was reported they used stick-on nips on Friends and Sex and the City

I had no idea Jennifer Anniston and I had something in common, but I too suffer from Pointy Nipple Syndrome, whereupon one’s nipples are literally always erect. Those afflicted have two choices—exclusively wear heavy duty bras that will conceal this and never ever go braless no matter how tiny your boobs may be, or

Some more than others...

Thanks, that makes sense.

None of those men were/are cops. They’re all nazis dressed in their surplus store duds.

Thank god Mr. Harris has good friends who stepped up to help him. I wish for him to have a speedy recovery and I’m glad the photographer is helping his mother identify the thugs who did this.

Speaking for myself and my white friends that I’ve talked to about this: We’re ashamed, embarrassed, and looking for ways to help. We aren’t surprised by it, and have been speaking out against it... but, fuck. This is awful, and as long as the worst of us aren’t shamed into silence, we’re awful too.

I’m white and have posted Root articles to Facebook only to have other white friends try to tell me Root is racist. I had to explain to her that writing an article to their base instead of her privileged ass doesn’t qualify it as racist. She unfollowed me but didn’t unfriend, so I keep on inserting my viewpoints into

Oh god please do not let this shit come (back) to Boston. We’re still trying to stamp out all the fucking latent racism we have while trying to be a progressive city.

Is that a flag on one of the poles?
Soiling of Old Glory part 2?

Or possibly the Tednugenti or Kidrockawa.