
Hollywood directors and studio execs have been messing with  actors practically from day one.

I’ve been boycotting the league for three years for a myriad of reasons, this was just another one to add to the pile. I don’t miss it one bit.

Yup, cause white supremacy is still making a buck off of a (losing) NFL team. Boycott & do it loudly

I’m in the Detroit area. Does boycotting the Lions count as boycotting the NFL?

Heads up, racist scumbag Loco Jones is in your thread.

Heh. He’s such an impotent little man baby. Dismissing him gives me great joy.

Awwww Loco’s mom gave him back his computer privileges.

Heads up, Loco Jones is a scumbag racist. I always dismiss his shit.

It hit me a few weeks ago why Ive had absolutely no excitement about this season (and no, its not from being a Browns fan surprisingly). Ive been actively avoiding NFL conversations with white people because I cant listen to any more white peopleing about why he was supposedly wrong. Ive played and or watched

I commend you. I haven’t watched in years, but this should be enough for every POC to boycott.

I cancelled my Sunday Ticket this morning. It’s going to be hard because I love football but man, fuck the NFL.

Not watching the NFL due to this Kaep situation. You are the first person that I have heard say boycott and I agree.

I popped onto the Color of Change site for shits and giggles and as soon as “Colin Kaepernick” left my mouth she was quick to say they weren’t taking calls about him and hung up the phone.

While destroying their bodies. There are definitely some uncomfortable parallels.

Murder someone as an NFL player, no problem. Peacefully protest the murder of people as an NFL player, no team will take you.

Unless it’s straight from Kap or from a charitable third party, the NFL would get your money.

Thanks for the reminder that I need to purchase my Colin K Jersey.

Those who opposed Kaepernick’s kneeling protest against the killing of unarmed black men, women and children threatened to boycott games.

Given Baltimore’s corrupt police force and the slap down the DOJ gave it last year, how much do you think that factors in the team’s decision? In a perfect scenario this is the exact place he should be playing.

They are only happy with white players who express support for maga, like tom brady and his coach. Let a black man protest the killing of black bodies and all of a sudden.. we need our fans approval.