
Career Backup QB.

The former eagle scouts I know are vehemently speaking out against Trump.

I think SO MUCH of this comes down to over-planning and/or having way overblown expectations. See also: New Year’s Eve. A friend of mine recently planned a bachelorette weekend for a bride she was friends with and since it didn’t go exactly according to plan (a plan which was in the bride’s head and likely looked like

The former Mrs. GoLikeHellMachine, through a series of misfortunes and misadventures, has had a number of head injuries throughout the years and has been showing signs (with increasing severity) for years. It’s a legitimately terrifying and depressing thing to watch, even though I’m watching it from afar these days.

One of my closest friends was a Boy Scout and he’s one of the best people in the world. His troop didn’t really work with the national org. though, they didn’t go to Jamborees or anything, it was more of a ‘We fathers are teaching our kids how to hunt/fish/camp/be good people type thing.’

I’ve said it before, and started a massive shitstorm debate about it on this very site, but anecdotally speaking every person I knew who was in boy scouts when I was younger grew up to be deadbeat assholes or in jail. And that’s on top of the right wing and religious “values” they indoctrinate children in. If I didn’t

A boy’s camping club with a long and pretty nasty history of discrimination against women, gay people, and unbelievers seems like a hate group?

Blows to the head sure seem to be the cause of CTE. There’s been a number of hockey players as well. A recent article was posted about four junior players who had all committed suicide had CTE. Some higher profile NHL deaths in recent years including Bob Probert (dead at 45) and Derek Boogaard (28), both enforcers,

Why would we expect the BSA to stop him when Republicans in Congress won’t?

Pictures of the crowd during the frenzy show a considerable amount of boys and adults sitting while their fellow scouts looked like brown shirts worshiping their furor. So at least there’s that. But seriously, this is a comparison to Hitler that rings so true. The Trumpian youth.

I don’t know if I think it’s the shitiest, but it’s among the most alarming. The reason for the institutional respect for the presidency that has built up over the years is the shared assumption that the president is a decent person, or at least has enough wherewithal and self-control to PLAY as a decent person, and

Gotta make sure young boys start hating women and anyone who disagrees with them early on.

Yes. And after our country sinks thoroughly into third world conditions, knowing how to start a fire or live in a tent will be useful.

Father: Okay, son. Mom’s properly anesthetized, right?

This and his Sessions rants are going to get the ball rolling.

If I had a son, I would never let him join Boy Scouts. They seem like a thinly disguised hate group.

Their Facebook page has been flooded by a lot of scouts, both current and former, absolutely furious about this stunt. It’s been an interesting read.

Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,

The BSA has been long been co-opted by right-leaning religious groups as an easy way to indoctrinate their children. It’s no surprise that people (probably both kids and adults) in the crowd cheered this disgusting man. Shoot an email to BSA to demand that they rescind Trump’s “honorary president” status and institute

Children. He said those things to children.