
Does this dinner also come with a time machine trip to when Leo was still hot, tho.


This is pretty much my feel. His brain cancer doesn’t change how he has been part of a party which has been continuing to ruin the country that they are supposed to improve.

If he does vote no, it truly makes no sense because it will fuck Arizona. The medical field is booming and bringing good jobs and stimulating the economy.

Jujy, I am buggin’ because I just heard on the the TV that Trump is actively planning to unload Jeff Sessions, and then make a “recess appointment” that bypasses the confirmation process, and will allow him to bring in someone who will be willing to fire Robert Mueller. As far as I can tell, this means that Trump can

It’s great that he gets to be the first cancer patient wheeled out of a hospital because of this bill, like a christening it or something.

I like to say he’s gone from an honorable ex-POW to a hateful POS.

Don’t be so sure... I bet he will be “troubled” or maybe even “deeply troubled” by it before he blindly supports it.

I’m pretty certain someone out there in America has a brain tumor without free healthcare and a huge amount of debt but his party thinks that guy dying is totally ok. So Fuck McCain and his sociopathic party!!

McCain will do nothing to save the ACA. He will make vague disapproving noises, but do nothing else to make sue that 17? 23? 32? Million people will have no insurance

Maybe this will be the thing that makes people start realizing that, you know, he’s not so much a maverick as a complete party hack.

Fuck John McCain.

There was quite a bit of press that he was the yes vote that they needed, if he actually doesn’t support the bill he could be coming back to vote no and make sure to kill that narrative (for his legacy, since I’d be shocked if he runs again, he doesn’t really have anything to lose by finally finding his spine).

Frack. Of course you are right.

It’s nice that he’s going the extra mile to fuck a bunch of people over.

He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.

But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.

Me too! I watch MASH reruns until Nr Mars is about to completely lose his shit.

Slow ticket sales methinks? God, I hope this twerp is on his 14th minute of fame.