
I’m hesitant to resort to critiquing someone based on their appearance, but why do conservatives almost uniformly look like amphibians wearing human skin?

I’m pretty sure most of the people I went to school with lost their virginity to country music. Many of them were probably also conceived to it. Maybe in the same Camaro.

Incidentally, that was a great comment. I wonder if he would like to share his opinions on the validity of shooting people who disagree with you in politics with his colleague, Steve Scalise.

Why doesn’t he ask senator Paul outside? He’s also been a “no”, for different reasons.

He should put his money where his mouth is and offer to duel the people.

That’s a low blow, attacking his lack of athletic physique.

The couple said they had wanted to give Charlie a real chance of getting better and that a “whole lot of time has been wasted.”

I will be happy, as a woman, to empty a double barrel shotgun in your fat ass, you misogynist piece of shit.

“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”

Don’t forget shiny and over-buttoned

The only product that actually works is Todd Haley’s BRAIN CHAW. Whether you’re dialing up a play for a QB who can’t read, or you’re whipping a High Life at the Mexican kid who just stranded your son on third, BRAIN CHAW’s unique blend of mouth tobacco, B12, Taurine, and biker crank provides you with the focus,

It’s the water tight butthole. That’s the key. Keeps water out and that stick wedged in there real nice.

This is not to say that there aren’t legitimately interesting reasons—beyond that Brady works out and eats right and has enjoyed playing behind a solid offensive line that keeps him upright—why he’s been able to stay so healthy.

That one porn issue a year seems to keep them in the green, somehow.

Brady is complicit in all of this. He’s the sports version of Tom Cruise.

Because misogyny is a big but unspoken part of the GOP platform.

Oh come now! He’s not WILLFULLY stupid! In fact he is very smart and such a good boy! Oh yes he is!

but if you think that his relationship with a ridiculous fraud who sells “recovery sleepwear” has anything to do with that accomplishment, you are either incredibly naive or willfully stupid.

You’re right, it’s the mustache of a child molester.  

While the victim can still pursue a civil action, she’s probably hesitant since any suit she can wrap Irvin up in is bound to be ugly, loud, and more than likely pinstriped.