
Did you actually say his political stance to bring attention to the way blacks are treated in this country, which as you point out “flushed his career down the toilet” was SELFISH on his part? The thing he did that cost him millions, a career, fame, etc, and provided him no personal benefit, was selfish? Holy shit

Let me assist - you’re a racist asshole.


You can’t tell me even 1/10th as much backlash was generated by Marshall, Lynch or Sherman. Kaep kneeling had every racist foaming at the mouth.

You’re a fucking idiot who has no idea what goes on in a locker room. Delete your burner account.

What if I KNOW you’re an asshole?

So, you’re sick and tired of them showing the national anthem and patriotic bullshit? Me too.

How many minutes does the National Anthem clock in at vs. the game as a whole?

If he wants to toss his career down the toilet stand up for something that he believes in that is more important to millions of people than a stupid fucking game, that’s his choice. He made it and, apparently, seems OK with it.

“I’m not a racist, I just”.... ya, not gonna end well, son.  

Historically speaking, any sentence that starts with “I’m not racist, but...” has a very high probability of being quickly contradict by the next few sentences typed/uttered following it.

Just chiming in to say that David Puddy thoroughly embarrassed you throughout this thread, and maybe you should stop projecting your guilty conscience into every conversation you have. It’s a bad look.

then just turn on after the National Anthem. You just don’t give a f—k about a political crusade you disagree with. The way the NFL has accepted money from the military to trot out soldiers like a dog & pony show, is a political statement to the continued militarization of everyday American life and maintaining the

Pro tip: the best way to display that you actually don’t give a shit about the thing you claim to not give a shit about is to ignore it, not post on a message board.

Man, you really do sound like an asshole. First hint, people who use the term “Social Justice Warrior” are just in general pieces of shit. And every response you’ve made since? Asshole response.

Racist? Maybe. Asshole? Definitely!

Yeah, fuck that guy and his personal crusade to stop the nationwide racist treatment of black Americans by police.

“Just keep your mouth shut and we’ll cover up your crimes. Open your mouth, and we’ll invent new crimes for you.”

He quietly kneels on a sideline, has there ever been a protest more easy to ignore?

$125K is not a significant amount of difference, and I think Kaepernick is a much better quarterback than taht difference. There are at least 9 teams that could currently fit that number under their cap.