
I prefer the term pervert. The v makes it sound classy.

Please wash your hands on the way out.

So the Venn diagram of hardcore GOT fans and total wankers is as overlapped as we thought. Got it.

When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie showed off his athletic side...

“Nice to see him get from the beach here to the ballpark...”

Unlocked cars, which had keys inside

The part that pisses me off to no end is that they are blaming Democrats for the ACA having troubles when REPUBLICANS (more specifically, Marco fucking Rubio) are the ones who kneecapped the legislation in the first place.

“As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!”

UK Update:

We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.

The Rex Ryan Foundation for Kids Who Don’t Shoe Good is very glad they caught this fraud before he gave legitimate shoe collection charities a bad name.

I was sincerely hoping he just went up to NBA players like,
“What are those?!”
“What these? *Removes shoe* It’s the brand new-”

To be honest, I think they just know their audience and their audience isn’t all that keen on inward inflection. It’s interesting in regards to Israel because plenty of Israelis are pissed at the Knesset and Netanyahu, especially regards to the expansion of settlements and the catering to the ultra-orthodox. What’s

I know. And I love Jezebel and I wish there were more progressive sites so willing to stick their necks out like Jez..... But, like a great many liberals I know, they are guilty (to a small extent) of the same prejudice they accuse the right of, with regards to Israel.

I Lived Across the Street from a Roma Encampment for Years, and it was Fine just isn’t a great headline, but it’s true.

This site has been strangely silent about a particular march in Chicago.... They really enjoy discussing anti-semetism in regards to the alt-right and conservatives but bring up anything regarding the left’s issues with anti-semetism and enabling anti-semetic actions in Western countries and it’s absolute radio

See also: Jews and Israel

Something something places in France the police won’t even go something something save our culture fart noises.