
Another aspect of this, by the way, is that it sends a signal to all other players in the league that Washington will shit on you the first chance it gets. This is how they treat their MOST IMPORTANT PLAYER? He’s still on the fucking team and they’re trashing him, and doing so dishonestly! What quality player would

This is fucking brilliant.

Covfefe’s Law.

The R******s are really the perfect team for DC in the Trump era, complete with Sean Spicer-like PR. It’s remarkable.

*points at shoes just to put an exclamation point on the whole thing*

The funny part is that a lot of those same people are the ones who still blow up the Post’s sports page after every article involving Cousins, win or lose, to talk about how they’d be Super Bowl champs if only RGIII was still here, if only the devil Shanahan hadn’t destroyed him, if only this or that player did their

[Dan Snyder reads headline The Skins Really Couldn’t have played this Kirk Cousins situation any worse]

Counterpoint: They actually could have, and probably still will

I think, as a society, we have trouble with causation and correlation. Kirk Cousins isn’t a great quarterback, he’s reached his apex, and makes enough boneheaded plays that it genuinely should effect his market value.

I don’t understand how anyone is a fan of the dumpster fire that is the Washington Racial Slur. And I’m a fucking Browns fan.

You’ve really got to stop trying to fuck Cousins like that.

I can’t wait for the Jets to sign him to a monster deal and then watch him fail because he’s in our jersey.

I think she also proclaimed pepper spray was essentially a vegetable, so it’s okay to use it on college kids and uppity minorities.

How the fuck have so many idiots risen to power in 2017? Let’s hope she initiates the domino effect. Time to topple the cement heads leading American culture.

Don’t forget Suckin’ up to Putin and normalizing Alex Jones Megyn. So, Megyn, ya still looking to normalize the guy now that he says there are child slave colonies on Mars?

That was an extremely good burn.

Good riddance, Megyn Santa-Is-Just-White Kelly.

No way! Nobody could have guessed that her appeal on fox would not cross over to a general audience. Next you’ll tell me that Steve Doocy couldn’t just hop on over to CBS.

Is the stapler a Swingline? Those things never depreciate.

I have $26 in my pocket. I’ll throw in a stapler and a half-full bottle of ACT mouthwash. That’s my final offer.