
She was okay until she used her hands.

And right during the World Cup, for extra irony points, I suppose.

I do not understand this. I mean, I guess I do, but I also don't.

Never mind that gun deaths are rising, the economy is in the crapper and women's rights continue to be stripped daily...but 'OH NOES THAT CHILD IS SHOWING BELLY? PORN!! BANISH HER!!!'

A ton of credit needs to go to the Ghana player for staying calm and making sure the idiot would get off the field. But this CANNOT happen, FIFA needs to make sure sercurity will make sure a drunken douchebag won't run onto the field and hit the opposing goalie with a beer bottle or something.

I should also note that every time I go to it, I get "404 error" but when I refresh and try again it actually gives me the thread. I blame Kinja. First it ruined my marriage now it's ruining my World Cup online experience.

Also, this is STILL BETTER than birth control and comprehensive sex education, social safety nets and publicly-funded mental health programs.

Every time I read a crazy Florida article I check twice to make sure I don't know them.

Who is Andy? Why are the two messages so inconsistently formatted? It's obvious the owner's son is some dumb kid just messing around, but you'd think they'd want to apologize. Or they'd care. Or not let the kid goof off on the company Facebook. I AM SO CONFUSED. Does SIP actually want to go out of business?

Avoid strawmen.

Keep fighting the good fight, my man!

You'll do well here.

I guess I just don't think calling a violent criminal (multiple convictions dating back to high school) a serial shithead is "coming down hard", especially considering the source is Deadspin. Had Sean posted links to every single one of Jeramy's arrests, then maybe you'd have a better argument. Thi

Jerramy: Who taught you how to do this stuff?

Please please please stand up for the rapist*. Stand up for the man who stomped on the face of an unconscious man. Stand up for the man for has caused multiple accidents from being drunk behind the wheel. Stand up for the man who has never been held accountable for any of this. Stand up for the man who has never once

MRA much?

He called him a Serial Shithead, which is pretty fucking spot on for a guy who has been arrested for: DUI, DWI, Reckless Driving, Hit and Run (all separate incidents too!), Rape, Assault, Felony Battery, and Domestic Violence . The next mention is the fact that he was not involved, which is a fact of this incident.

The force is strong in her pimp hand

Yeah how dare they make mention of the fact that the husband, whose own Wikipedia page has a sub-section titled "Legal Troubles" that is longer than the aggregate of the rest of his Wikipedia entry somehow wasn't involved in the altercation.

Pretty sure there was plenty of condemnation for her. Also her husband is a shithead. You're taking a stand in the wrong place, partner.