
Yes, though she was never a lap cat. Her preferred spot was the dining room chairs. And she never quite stopped condescending to us? But she was a great, great cat.

Did you personally bite the head off of this guy's bird?

not funny

No, young liberals are not the worst. Sure, they might screw up and say offensive stuff, or not be entirely clued in to ways they're privileged. But to say they're worse than young conservatives, who would literally like to see you lynched or shipped off to Africa...

Hey, black people had their say. Anything more than that is just greedy.

White people are resentful of being asked to acknowledge their privilege, more accurately.

Saying I'm excited for this is an understatement. This movie NEEDED to happen. I'm sure media pundits will criticize it for not talking about "real" black issues (because Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh truly cares about the black community) and say that blacks are the real racists, but it's all bs we've heard many

FWIW, Hollywood Shuffle is a satire of a black actor's specific experience in white Hollywood (though I suspect it was perilously close to documentary). DWP is a broader satire about the perils of black people navigating white institutions at large, in the world of the film, inside a fictional predominantly white

Over-saturation only if you're a Norte American, living an insular life, unable to see that there's a whole wide world out there into the World Cup that doesn't care what you think.

Right. Because this subject can only be explored once 20 years ago and then that's it. Everything's solved. Got it.

Aren't there some birds going unwatched somewhere? Chillax, bud.

I'm crying laughing at this gif. Girlfriend has Klonopin face.

Trespassers will be eaten on sight, sorry, no exceptions

but what if a bird comes in too

WHY did you say cat café and not catfé???

If you say you wish you were dead, you should expect the focus on the interview to shift to that pretty damm quickly. I think the interviewer was like Fry in that famous meme.

Typical, get caught saying something stupid and then backtrack and blame the media. She would make a great Republican presidental candidate.

Lana Del Rey: word-salad enthusiast/masochistic chanteuse

Stop asking her leading questions or I am going to have to assume that your ambitions are nothing short of sinister.

If she wants to stop doing music, why doesn't she just...stop?