
No, I don't blame him a bit. I want more too (don't we all?). And yes LDRs do suck, been in that place before. It's just he did not mention the distance as a problem - only that, well, (as I see it) he's not that into me. I could keep visiting, and continue the awesome sex, I'm just unsure about it because I don't

Yes that's something I did say - that he is just not that into me. I also said, I try not to want any man who doesn't want me. So I think you're right, and I should mind my own heart, as they say. Thanks.

True, but can you blame him for wanting more? If you lived closer would he consider being more serious? LDRs suck, just saying. If the sex is that good, would you feel okay keeping it up unless he finds someone/unless you find someone?

It sounds like you're really into him and he's not. He just told you that he never date you or be a couple. I'd move on - especially if you do like him.

I would have stabbed the stupid jackass right in the face. He's a user with zero empathy, dump him.

Maybe he just...spotted dick.

Until you know what you want, I would put the whole thing on hold.

Honestly, I would run for the hills. Maybe bang him a couple more times but then bail. It all sounds too emotionally messy and I foresee heartbreak.

Holly when she first started getting used to Naira:

Okay, so I really want to brag about something awesome! I apologize in advance for the length of this.

Wahhhhhhhh - oh. Oops. Having been at Pride all day, I completely misinterpreted the meaning of your title.

Is anyone else watching ENG - ITA? Forza Italia!

If sounds like they didn't "choose" to leave the kid alone, per say. It sounds like what happened was that they each thought the other took the kid, which is stupid as fuck, but not malicious.

Arriving late for school pickup is an idea that could practically cause me to have a panic attack. I would be embarassed beyond belief.

Daycare providers and schools usually require 2 emergency contacts in case the primary caregiver isn't there to pick the child up, giving them 3 separate people to attempt to call in cases like this.

Child care centers and schools are supposed to have a procedure in place in case the child isn't picked up by closing time, which happens more often then you want to know. I somehow doubt that the specified pick up time was 1:30. She overslept and did not pick up the child. I wonder if anyone attempted to contact

i actually do hope they are arrested. I mean, it would suck for them short-term but the settlement they would receive would be massive.