
This is your friendly reminder to NOT FEED THE TROLLS! (Hint: if someone has a troll avatar, and are saying something awful, they are probably a troll.)

Yeah. In Canada, it was Catholic and Anglican Residential Schools, wasn't it? Lots of kids to abuse and the churches here have to share the spoils.

It reminds me of the Residential Schools for Native children in Canada- an attempt at cultural genocide- where they also did medical and nutritional experiments on children in additional to every kind of abuse imaginable. As much as I blame the Catholic church for this bullshit, it really is part of a larger pattern

Truth. This kind of stuff, along with the Magdalene laundries, is the context behind Sinead O'Connor ripping up the picture of the pope on SNL back in the 90s. Also for the anger any Irish woman who identifies even slightly as feminist feels for the Catholic church. Except for a few older Catholics, I've never met

That the Catholic Church had a strangle-hold on social programs and profited from the lack of services provided by a government in thrall to them? We should be grateful?

I don't like the video or the song but I, like many other people, am glad that Nicki ditched her Lady Gaga-esque look. She's pretty as is and her clownish looks downplayed that.

Ah yes - someone should have reminded (asshole alchie male relative) that as a husband he was supposed to PROTECT his wife and children - not kick the crap out of them after stumbling home from "work". Just a little sticker on the fridge or a post-it note with that helpful reminder would have made all the difference

I've figured it out. This is the creeping madness that heralds the awakening of Cthulhu in watery R'lyeh! Rejoice! Soon you will be reduced to gibbering insanities as the priest of the Old Ones arises to retake the world that is rightfully His! Ia! Ia!

BREAKING NEWS: Domestic violence is no more. Sources say that reports of domestic disputes have dropped to zero.

I words. Only Jack.

Attention, naysayers! Allow me to submit for your shutting-the-fuck-up now, Hottentot Venus. Educate yourself because I no longer have the patience.

So that Kuntyewest person completely glossed over the fact that she had a baby and still managed to graduate from college on time?

I think she breastfed her baby because she was hungry. i think she photographed it because it would make an awesome picture. And it did! Two awesome things that are hard to juggle—finishing school, and a newborn baby. It's a picture of a rockstar!

Good to see that paternalistic attitudes towards college women are still in place though. This is a college graduate right? Do we think that the average college graduate is a virgin? Oh wait... this woman's body did what bodies do after they have sex and produced another body!? The shame!

We really are damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we do choose to breastfeed, it better always be done surreptitiously, in private, away from all civilized society. If we choose to bottle-feed we're effectively poisoning our babies with formula or depriving them of the beautiful bonding experience of

That's the point. It's an issue that needs attention. Breastfeeding needs to be normalized and women shouldn't be shamed for doing it publicly. So good for her for getting people's attention.

Good for her! We need more normalization of breastfeeding in America

I don't get being "offended" by breasts. I mean, it's breasts. Is there anybody who hasn't seem naked breasts? And if you have, how could you possibly be offended by a breast? Is the nipple staring at you? No one seems offended by exposed male nipples... Such nonsensical puritanical bulllshit.

Breastfeeding rates among black women are woeful and we need pics like this to normalize it. I breastfed my children but then my mother breastfed us. Despite her breastfeeding us, she would've been appalled by this pic. I think there's no big deal. You don't see much more boob than you'd see in a triangle bikini. In

Do you want a screaming, hungry baby or do you want breastfeeding? Oh wait, prudish American public, it's not your choice. Baby is hungry; baby should be fed.