
Yea for this comment because multiple reasons but initially to make something other than the Pipe is a Pipe "discussion" be first

Boy Howdy. The troll force is strong with nu-kinja.

This is a picture. Who said it's a good idea to hitchhike naked?

This. My body looks very similar as well. And while I love my body and my looks (I stare in any reflective surface I can find, ha) there's this voice in my head that says "others will never love it". And it makes me sad because I want someone to find me as beautiful as I find myself (huh, that sounds narcissistic

It has been a banner week for students in the East Bay. 1). A child is beaten with a hammer. 2). a child in Richmond is beaten on the school bus by the father of another student who was alledgedly being bullied. The driver does nothing. 3). At Oakland High, a student with Cerebral Palsy who depends on a wheelchair

I can't wait for the comments that make gawker seem like 4chan.

Based on your user name, I'm guessing you're one of those snackers rights advocates. No one cares about your shrill rhetoric. Go eat a bag of crumbled nacho chips.


Well, sometimes you just want your fucking cinnabon fresh and delicious.

This has way too many layers of fucked up-ness.

I'm traveling abroad on my own this summer. I've decided to take a bikini. It's the first two piece I've had in 10 years. I'm so over covering my body because it doesn't look "right". So, fuck it. That's all.

Oh, shut UP.

Maybe if everyone's middle school teachers showed them videos of Al Jolson and explained the context for them, they would understand the historical weight of blackface and not fucking use it as a theme for their frat parties.

At this point, I think school administrators need to be educated more than the students. They don't know a thing about racism if they think educating kids about blackface is offensive.

I understand that teenagers say stupid shit and they grow out of it eventually, but I don't think that applies to this douchebag. Sure, he'll say he's "changed" but I doubt it. I'm sure he still makes these kind of jokes to the "right people" (i.e. white). I'm not the least bit surprised by this video, and once again

Hey, I'm in the littlest state in the union, RI. It's a nice place to visit but you wouldn't wanna live here. We're known for our corrupt politicians, strip clubs, and rocky beaches. They should put that on a postcard.

Like someone else said, I think being there to listen is the most important thing. I never know how to deal with people crying in front of me. It makes me extremely uncomfortable as I can't handle strong emotions from people. I can barely handle my own let alone another person's. I turn completely emotionally

Haha, well just know that we will smile and help you with complete sincerity. But then we will laugh at you a little behind your back. (All in good fun!). But yeah, the whole "I'm home!" stuff is a little eye-roll to be honest. I mean, we get it Stop.

Orlando, Florida here... I don't think it's as bad or crazy as people say it is, but what do I know - I'm originally from Brazil, so "crazy" has a different meaning for me...

Costa Rica. View from the house.